Neil Hawkin Parks borders the grasslands of Lake Joondalup beside the city centre. It is located at the western bank of Lake Joondalup. Joondalup is a northern suburb and regional city in Perth, Western Australia. The Neil Hawkin Parks was an Aboriginal hunting ground those days which now set in a state park. It provides refuge to a number of wild animals including kangaroos and birdlife.
As the title above, this park is famous among the tourists for hand feeding kangaroos and birds. I did not see any kangaroos here but I saw parrot and its friends.
Initially, it was a bit akward when a bunch of mostly non English speaking Chinese stormed into this bunch of Australian kids 'territory'.
Talking about bird feeding, do we do that in Malaysia? I only seen such at Jalan Masjid India where the Indian traders feed the birds (burung merbok? or just stray birds?) alongside the road. Do we have a proper garden where we can feed birds that live in natural environment and not caged?
So, with the crackers given by the tour guide, each of us smashed them into pieces and started to feed the birds.
Ironically, we seemed to be alien to those birds. They know we were not the locals. So, they shoo away! LOL
Parrots at the open park? Can we find that in Malaysia? If anyone spot a parrot at public places, definitely it will be caught either for sale or caged at home. This Neil Hawkins Park is home to many parrots including the Australian ringneck and cockatoos.
Facilities in this park include gazibos, BBQ, toilet and parking. It will be definitely a great place for a family day and visitors for a picnic.
Spotted this bunch of sportsperson doing their routine exercise. I suspected they may be from the West Pearth Football Club (WPFC).
Arena Joondalup which is located northwest of Lakeside Centre is the home ground for one of Perth's oldest Western Australia Football League clubs, the WPFC.
Sources: Wikipedia and Brooke Stone Real Estate.
These kids had earlier set down and were feeding the birds with the birds' food.
It was such a nice feeling when the parrot took the food from your hands.
That was me sitting on the ground of the park. The park is very clean and well maintained.
Trying to feed them
parrot nice blog..
here me at Nikel Khor
@nikel: thanks~
Inor india here are oilyseeds named Ramtilis very sefl for Birds feeding. From Inia hese seeds are spplies o yor contry . If you conact for seed markeing please mail to ""
I think bird feeding is typically thought of as an activity of bird enthusiasts. People who feed wild birds often attempt to attract birds to suburban and domestic locations
Nice post. Great blog. Thanks for the share.
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Wow, I love the place. It is a great place to have an exercise.
I am very happy to read this one. This place have a lot of birds. It look everyone was very happy in this place with birds. Now it's time to avail 1 litre water bottle for more information.
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