Wednesday, April 29, 2009
My SIMPACK WON RM 7000 from
Sunday, April 26, 2009
My blog become 'Blog of the Day' in Blogger United
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Remove Youth Media or else your Nuffnang Glitterati status will be removed
First of all, have you all heard about Youth Media? If you browse through my blog recently, you will notice a small square pop up on the bottom right of my blog.
Based on its website, the YouthMEDIA widget promotes all bloggers aged between 15 to 35. It takes only a minute to promote yourself across the network. By adding the widget to your blog, you will be promoted across every widget in every blog in the network.
Besides that, the features are a) Browse each other's blog profiles via the widget (DONE) b) Statistics of blog profile views and click thrus (DONE) c) Commercial ads to help bloggers earn a bit of money d) Donate to a charity of your choice! e) A full blog directory searchable by name and topic f) Top youthMEDIA blog profiles of the week! g) Customizable YouthMEDIA Widget skins Lets have some say on this new blog promotion tool. At first, it may sound great as they are promoting you blog among the other bloggers who installed the widget. Isn't it cool people are viewing you profile and hence may increase the traffic to your blog? However, the truth isn't as claimed. First, you will get an annoying pop up. For many visitors like of mine, they complained about that to me. For them, they hate pop up as normally pop up = spyware. Next, when then number of bloggers is small, you will definitely get promoted through other blogs. But, what when the numbers increased 2x or 10 or 20x? Chances of being promoted is lesser. Even though you will get promoted or shall I say appear for a short while in their blog before most of the users close the pop up box, it doesn't mean that it will generate the traffic to your blog. For example, my blog got promoted for about 350 times but only 5 visitors clicked and went to blog. So, if you compare the hassle of having a pop up and the visitors to your blog, it will be a 'rugi' business.
Next, having this widget installed may increase your blog loading time. If you have a few ads and few widgets installed in your blog, this youth media will definitely increased the loading time.
So, why it is contraindicated with Nuffnang's Glitterati? Nuffnang's Glitterati is an exclusive Nuffnang blogger programme in which is NO advertisements from any other ad network that originates from South East Asia are placed in his/her blog.
Now, look back to feature (c) in above. It is stated there a little bit earning. I do trust the earning will be so little as it has some relation to Youth Says. From the eperience in the Youth Says, I totally think that programme through the paid per survey is a totally sort of 'cheating' to the members. With the limited questionaire from the customers and with the growing number of people joining in each day, there isn't sufficient number of questionaire to be distributed to all. So, most of the people like me will end up answering questionaire to an amount lets say RM 1 or shall I say in the range of RM 1-RM 10 for a period of 3-6 months. But, Youth Says still receive money for the completed surveys. Another issue is that they have our completed details including IC, address and so on. I had worked in a surveying company before and I do not trust the claimed 'your info will be kept private & confidential'. Seriously, it is so simple to obtain particular details if you are the workers. Since it might be generating earning as it claimed, it will be agaisnt the Nufnang's Glitterati royalty programme. As for now, Youth Media have not fix the features yet. So, I was quite surprise to learn that some bloggers including GreenTeaBern Glitterati status has been removed. To confirm that, I just checked my mail and received following love letter from Nufnang: Dear Nuffnang blogger,
You are receiving this email because our exclusivity crawler has recently rescinded your Glitterati status.The following script was detected on your blog:
[[ ]]
Please note that you will retain your Nuffnang membership and your ad code will not be affected in any way as this only affects our Glitterati loyalty program.
Should you choose to remain a Glitterati member, simply exclude the code from your blog and the crawler should update itself in a few days. For more information regarding our Glitterati program, please refer to
Thank you.
If you require any assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at !
So, choice is up to you. Glitterati royalty programme enables you to earn more and generate trafic through innit as well as making new friends at the same time. The possible pros of having the status removed is you can combo your adverlets + youthmedia + nuffnang. Bear in mind that do not complain if your Youth Media earning is very less because it has been clearly stated 'a bit earning'. As for me, I am going to remove Youth Media after I posted this. My Glitterati status still remained although I received the mail yesterday. Safe and sound. Haha.
Big Tree Lin Kee Restaurant (大树头连记蒸鱼头), Taman Connought

(meaning I become the driver la...)

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Golden Bridge Restaurant, Taman Connought

Jun Jun is growing up!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Finally, all lab reports, assignments & quizzes are done!
Friday, April 17, 2009
I was kidnapped by a friend and paid ransom money of RM 60.