We started our journey to Bukit Jalil sharp at 9.30 am from Hexi Restaurant after our breakfast. It was not a smooth journey as there was jam at Bandar Tasik Selatan giving us an early prediction that many were going to the same destination and the car park may full
L- Our assumption was wrong when we saw this lorry turn upside down... can go buy TOTO...hahaR- Christine and her mei mei, didn't ask her name.. so, just called her mei mei
We managed to reach in time despite an early confusion on the exact location of the stadium. Well, I forgot which entrance to the Putra Stadium and instead we went wrong to Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil...
L- We went into the stadium and saw Jaclyn Victor was practising her singing for the later show..The stadium at that time was empty
R- Christine and a Thai delegate, thanx MF for calling him upon request from Christine
We took the chance to take photo with him too
Well, there should be a rehearsal for a parade for later event. That was why all the volunteers were required to gather before 10 am. However, the event was cancelled without proper acknowledgement to all and not many GPF officers knew about it. There was no counter or any GPF officers stationed at the entrance to answer our queries. This was really very disorganized! Thus, the GPF officers that I contacted asked us to 'lepak' or hang around the place until 1 am. OMG! Hang around for 3 HOURS?? So, we left with no choice to mingle around the booths set up outside the Putra Stadium under the VERY HOT sun.
Our first stop was at the small stage outside the stadium. There was an on going Silambam performances from mostly kids and few adults.
L- Then, I met with Edward hanging around too.
R- MF was taking photographs for Christine and her sis. Well, salute to him~ He was holding the umbrella using his neck to press on his shoulder, the left hand carrying two paper bags containing the women diapers, Kotex (one is free gift i think) and a cap hanged on his jean. He was the idol of perfect NN (can't elaborate much here...haha)
Next, Wan Nah and Leon played this musical dance which was O2Jam alike. Of coz they played for something which was to win a goodies bag from Ribena. To qualify for contesting, you need to purchase any Ribena' items sold in the front counter.
Our next stop was to take picture from this Thai delegates with their own costumes.
The bystanders also wanted to join us.
L- This little kid was initially playing inside the playing ground set up using the hot air. Out of sudden, the playing ground collapsed and she started to cry. Her mother then brought her far away from the scene. Our effective cameramen managed to take the kid's photo.
Erm.. i forgot the red shirt kid was from where.. I just remembered his sweats from his ears sweat my ear too while taking the photo. It was large amount.. guess he was playing non stop for a very long period of time.

MF was doing a jumping shot while Alvin who took his photo kept laughing after seeing the snapped photo. Thanx Rajes for his brilliant move to capture Alvin photo as well.
Aiks.. if MF joined this competition, he would have win it! There were 3 rounds of matches. The winner of each matches will then compete in the grand final round. If not mistaken, a student from UTAR, UM and UPM respectively won the earlier matches. I forgot who won the Grand Final round. What you need to do is very simple..just drink a glass of A&W as fast as you can. What amazed me was the spirit of the game shown by their supporters. UM and UTAR supporters were shouting each others with their own 'spirit cheers'. This shall be practised by UCSI as well (i cant find such thing yet) as it can boost your confidence and spirit of togetherness!~ Besides, it also shows your groups' identity.
Hahaha..this lady was trying to sell a CD with a collection of songs. I was actually the one who approached her and asked her to take photo with us.It was really pai seh as she need to put down her 'luggages' she was carrying be4 taking the photo. Sorry for not making business and TQ for the photo.
R- Me and Yen Ching who was on the way to her seat.
ARgggg... It was Mandarin class again but this time w/o Lai Teng. She asked me 'After days of coming Malaysia, i still cannot find what so special in Malaysia. What are the nice places and signature foods in Malaysia?' OMG..i find difficulty in answering her question. The only answer i told her was our people from different ethnicity. Regarding on place... KLCC (she nodded and said yea it was beautiful place)... foods.... HOW TO EXPLAIN?? Our foods is some sort same like in China which we consume mainly vegetables and soups. So, i told her..our food her is a mixture of Chinese, Malay and Indians as well. I want to say ROJAK..but i really dunno how to explain to her...HAHhahHahAhaHAhhaha

R- We were on the live big screen TV !! HELLO every1~~

I was asked to joined the HK delegates for a picture
Many came in a big group except us

L- I became the cameraman for the HK delegates
R- A truly joy and fun can be seen from their faces.. this is what the youth should do..
I SMS Lai Teng to come down for a photo with Pei La and Lucy. She brought along a friend who due to limited time and spaces, we didn't introduce each other. At that time, the performance was about to start and all were seated in their place. So, to stand at the stairs and every1 looking at you was not very convenience.

L- Nicholas
R- Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Datin Paduka Seri Hjh Zaleha Ismail

Y.B. DATO' RAZALI BIN ISMAIL, Deputy Education Minister II delivering his opening ceremony speech

Each of the three VIPs then were to insert a 10 cents coin dummy into the holes of the stand

Then, a bigger 10 cents coin dummy popped out~ It was written with Power of 10 cents.. the campaign launched a month of ago nationwide
Donation to:
L- International Relief Rriendship Foundation (IRFF) Cambodia
R- Majlis Kebajikan Kanak-kanak malaysia (MKKM)

Prize giving ceremony for FUTSAL competition
L- Second runner up from Nottingham..
R- Check out the sandal.. well, this was an official ceremony attended by a minister.. they should be well informed of the protocol..
The first runner up from Team Perpaduan X (forgot which alphabet.. hmm.. i think they should have given a better name.. Who in the world know what is perpaduan other than malaysians and perhaps indonesians?)

The champion went to Team Perpaduan X (forgot the alphabet)
Picture of the winners and the VIPs