Friday, March 13, 2009

MH 605 Flight: KLIA to Singapore Changi Airport

Guess you guys know well about the KLIA and the tenants. How about the flight? I took MH 605 flight from KLIA to Singapore Changi Airport. The plane was a small minibus plane. (hope it is correct term)
There will be a safety measure demonstration in case of emergency. I'm in doubt whether picture taking is allowed but 'don't worry la'. I was a bit afraid that the air steward will come forward and asked me to delete the pictures taken. Haha..
Shown is the way you should wear your mask. And life jacket in case you need to swim in the river? OCEAN! Departing from the ground.. The is the disorted view while in the halfway up to the sky Safely reach the correct altitude for planes Oh clouds.. you are so white...and pure.. It's me taking photo all the way since the journey begun. with a complimentary tea.. FYI, lunch is not provided for short distance journey Land spotted@ And ship vessels.. that's confirming that I had reached SINGAPORE~ Guess what vehicle was it? \ It is the the petrol filler vehicle. so complex design..
Ever since mum told me that those workers will throw your luggage into the transporters with FORCE, I always watch them doing so in every flight. Well, it takes time for the exit door to open. So, while waiting, just sit back and watch them rather than standing and queuing.


  1. u shud know tat all electronic devices should switch off when on the plane during take off and landing, which include camera. even when already landed, u also cant use.not until when u inside the terminal building coz will lead to interference with the airplane communication. bad kf.haha

  2. ya,vkvun's right.have 2 switch off all d electronic devices.i had experience of boarding a plane b4, but it was juz a 45-min ride, fr KLIA to Sarawak International Airport 2 attend NS.quite nice n exciting but it was a very bad service cz it's a LCCT, so d stewardesses r not very friendly but 4 sure, u can c dey put a very thick make-up on their face,haha.but hope i will have d chance 2 board d plane as a customer in d business class in d future.haha...

  3. alright i do know the rules..
    but i was taking pictures with the knowledge of the air steward/stewardess..
    even in the upcoming post of all my flight, they actually saw me doing so and did not say anything..
    furthermore, the logical reason for turning off electronic devices is the possible interferences to the wavelength, frequency and signal..
    camera as for me, it is not an radiation or signal emitting objects compared to handphone (correct me if i'm wrong)
    anyway, electronics devices can be used when the plane is on the correct track in the air and when the pilot said so..

  4. Well, nobody knows what are the real rules n regulations when u r in d plane. U will have 2 board a business class or economic class flight to find out the difference OR u ask the pilots/stewards/stewardesses about it. Mayb u will get some diffeent answers fr different class of ppl.even the servcie will be different when u board a more expensive flight,im very sure about this but im definitely not prejudice or what.the pilot will only tells us when v r going to get off the plane or asks us 2 open the window shield,he/she wun tells whether v r in d rite track or v r allowed to switch on our electronic devices.

  5. wow~u were so near to the sky....

  6. to yc: thanx for d opinion..
    however, the correct SOP is the pilot asking open the window shield, then asking to switch off electronic devices due to possible interference and then fly off.. while 'cruising' up to the sky, the plane is like move up 45 degree and then to a lower degree.. once the plane is successfully in the right track in the air in which we called as 'air traffic', the pilot will inform that the plane is flying at certain speed , we had left how many km and the altitude of the plane... When the pilot said so, it means that the plane is in the right track. Then, the pilot will announce it's safe for electronic devices to turn on..and the next thing is you will see the steward and stewardess busy walking here and there..

    shu yi: yea touching the sky..and its somehow a good experience when the plane crashes the big cloud.. then the whole plane will get shake and the light above our seat will be blinking..although, it might be hot a good one, but you can actually feel the plane is hitting hard and getting rid of the obstacles..

  7. oic,i din know dat v can assume dat announcememnt as sign of 'v r in d rite track n r safe 2 switch on our electronic devices'.thanks 4 telling,but as i remembered,when d time i boarded d flight,d pilot only said something like 'v r taking off','plz fasten ur seatbelt','plz remain seated till d plane is landed' and sumthing like dat,mayb he/she did say something like wat u said but usually wat ppl heard is jz a person who is mumbling cz d voice is too soft n like talking 2 him/herself,nobody can hear it.mayb ur pilot is diffrent,i duno...and about d stewards and stewardesses,they walk around all d time,even b4 d pilot announces dat v r in how high above d sea or where v r difference 4 me at all whether d plane is in d rite track or not...

  8. got difference lar...haha
    the pilot will only make the announcement IF the plane is in the air traffic with correct altitude..
    when u flying up, all the screen or small tv in front of u will be turned off..
    when the pilot successfully 'fly up' the plane to the correct altitude, the pilot will make announcement..again only IF at correct track..if not, the pilot wont say anything till the pilot is able to do time u observe..
    and now ur screen is switched on..
    reason is because interference of signal it vital to eliminate only during departing and landing..
    when up the sky, it's like driving an auto car.. it will be automated no worry of electronic devices..
    boarding up or down use manual and heavily 2 way signals communication with the control tower of an airport..
    thus, no other frequency shall disturb the communication..

  9. u know wat?i think d plane i boarded was different fr urs cz mine dun even has a tv or not sure whether i will have d 2nd chance 2 board a flight, i remembered,during d journey(all d way to sarawak),d pilot on my plane din even speak or wat,only d stewardesses make the announcements but dats oso abt sumthing general n wat d passengers shud know abt.
    p/s:not every plane is d same...d plae u boarded might b different fr mine...

  10. haha..the SOP is same..
    but domestic fly use a smaller plane with no TV..
    i think the flight i took also with no tv coz its a small minibus for short distance to Singapore..
    pilot never say anything.. hmm.. it think it is virtually impossible lor..
    maybe u miss it when the pilot make announcements..
    as for MAS, the pilot say in dual language BM and English

  11. let me clear thing up here. wat you all say is true. The pilot will announce "cabin crew please besides for take off". before that, stewardess/steward will announce all the passenger to turn off the electronic devices and fasten the seat belt. they will walk up around to check, make sure everyone sit with the chair upright and window shade fully open. when the flight is in mid air, the captain will announce about the altitude of the plane and at wat speed it is cruising and wat is the weather now as well as weather at the destination as well as wat is the expected arrival time. Besides that, the plane will be in auto-pilot mode and the pilots can relax. so, electronic devices besides mobile phone can be used during this time as the communication system is not used. As for domestic fly, you wont be able to see the tv in front of you. usually big airplane then will have entertainment system, like boeing 747 or boeing 777. those are planes that fly long-haul. i not sure bout airasia coz never use it for long haul. maybe u din hear the announcement coz you are busy or the cabin is noisy. usually there will be 3 announcement by the pilot, which are b4 taking off, during flight and b4 landing. extra announcement will be made if the plane is facing turbulence or not. the steward/stewardess will always make announcement one. just be observant. no more argument and peace. cheers!

  12. ya...ur rite though...i remembered dat time d flight was quite noisy cz there were small kids n babies,even d adults oso like 'sakai',talked in a high pitch voice.d plane was so small n dey were like scared of ppl cant hear them,swt...d voice of d pilot oso very soft leh,how can ppl hear them?ppl dun even notice when dey make announcements not asking them 2 b a 'da la ba' la,jz loud enough 2 let other ppl hear them la.domestic flight no tv/entertainment cz its cheap n ol 4 short distance flights.
    In short,expensive flights are forever better dan those domestic flights.even d treatments and the voice and behaviour of d stewards/stewardesses are oso different,dis can neva b argued about!

  13. FYI... every electronic device emits waves that can interfere with the planes' communication. It is just that cellular phones ( or cell phones, handphones etc) emit more waves than other devices. In reality, using electronic devices like cameras and calculators should be fine without much interference to the planes' communication

    -aviation enthusiast
