Sunday, March 8, 2009

My first Nuffnang Cheque

Finally, the long awaited first cheque from Nuffnang has arrived! Many had questioned me where is the cheque from Nuffnang? This is because they are still in doubt in the advertising method as well as the income for the advertising. I managed to introduce Nuffnang company to some of my bloggers friends in which they eventually joined and give a try. I wish to reassure them that such advertising via blog is a 'real income' and not a hoax. However, when they asked me about my cheque, I just said that the company need 30 days to process the application.
On Jan 6 12.00 am, I made my cash out request. I was so happy to see the amount I had was exceeding RM 50 and even more a bit. So, I waited till the next month, Feb but the cheque hasn't arrived. I looked back to the earning section and found that the 30 days is from the end of the month of the application date. So, it means that I shall get my cheque by 28 Feb or 2 Mac 2009. Before I went back home on Friday, one of my to do lists is to contact Nuffnang, Haha. My family members did not tell me I received any letters and I see no info in my earning page in Nuffnang. So, when I was backed home, I saw this letter without knowing who is the sender..
This letter tell nothing other than my printed name and address. So, I whispered to myself 'Is this from Nuffnang? They know that I will be calling them tomorrow?'. Haha. 'Please.. cheque please..'
Once I opened the letter, I first saw HSBC Bank printed on top (Huh..since when I have an account in that bank?) before the Nuffnang Sdn. Bhd. Great! Finally, my first cheque has arrived. Thus, it had proven that Nuffnang do 'exist' and my trust to the company is worthy.
On the top right, the date printed is 2 March 2009 which is exactly 30 days. So, Nuffnang really keep their promises. The application process is 30 days not including the period of time required to be delivered to the recipients. Check out the amount. Perhaps you guys will first see how well I earned before reading the story. Haha. The amount is not a big one but it is good enough to motivate me to continue blogging with more interesting posts. Money is not my first priority. Initially, I gave myself a try to such advertising thing which is popular among bloggers. Any amounts earned is deemed 'extra' or 'additional' or 'motivational'. This amount is earned throughout 2 months time; November and December 2008. Half of the money is the metered campaigns whereas another half is the pay per clicks. For those who had visited my blog and some even frequent visitors/readers, thank you so much for your support!! Last but not least, I love Nuffnang and hope Nuffnang will bring more ''joy'' to me in the future. **Updated: As in hours later, my posts in Nuffnang has been listed among the most popular posts at that particular time. Ironically, ahmike got 31 nangs while I got in reverse 13 nangs. This show how popular his blog compared to mine. Haha..
After 24 hours, my post was nanged by 47 nuffnangers and is now out from the list of most popular posts. (I couldn't able to snap the page when it is at the top). It is the first time I had the 'achievement' and hope it will continue in the future. I would like to thanks to all of you for giving supports and joys to me~~.


  1. congratulation~~ i still waiting my cheque~ sob

  2. hey i also got berjasa de lerr everyday help u to click mz belanja me eat.....

  3. finally, a first nuffnang cheque post which doesn't annoy me.

    congrats :)

  4. metalpanda: still waiting after applied? then it should be within days from now.. logistic issue perhaps.. anyway jia you!

    eddie: thats great job! but wanna state that I 'do not' teach any1..

    kok sen wai: huh.. what others wrote that make u feel annoyed?

  5. ur 1st cheque ;)

  6. Congrat to ur first nuffnang cheque =)

  7. congrats! :D :D haha. jiayous for your next one xD

  8. Well, it's the content which always counts. Oh, and how long they've been around. :)

  9. congratz for your latest nuffnang cheque.

    I'm also receive the cheque, check it out here.

  10. LOL, nothing personal. Just that your post on it seemed to be more involved, a little more backstory, and isn't like most (which usually just consist of a picture of the cheque and some really bad joke about it).

  11. Congratz :)As for me, I didn't cash it out yet...wait till amount reach hundred 1st...hehe. My blog also not very popular leh...earning is a little slow...but that's not my priority of coz...

  12. wow~means tat ur blog is very popular fast can get over RM50

  13. COngrats!! I contributed too! When's the next one:)

  14. to:jacob,hpility, yi ling, danny, hafreze, sen wai, shu yi, horizon

    thanx all for the wish

    next one? still waiting.. haha

  15. to:jacob,hpility, yi ling, danny, hafreze, sen wai, shu yi, horizon

    thanx all for the wish

    next one? still waiting.. haha

  16. congrates!!
    so now rich already, can treat me eat lor?lols

  17. Congratulations. Still in the Christmas spirit, I see...

  18. haha.. no time to design one.. dats y get delayed..

  19. congratulation to you~but i wonder how can we get the 'metered campaigns'??

  20. hie~
    based on my experience..
    when u first joined nuffnang, u will be given CPC campaign..
    after a month or 2 (with earning) they will give you a metered(buffered) campaign..
    this buffer campaign depends on the number of visitors..
    after the campaign end, they will either continue to give more metered campaign or give less or don't give at all which is depends on again the number of visitors to your blog..

  21. i wnder how many years i still need to wait for my cheque

  22. jolene: time will come..~ i will help u~
    thanx ariff..

  23. jolene: time will come..~ i will help u~
    thanx ariff..

  24. Still waiting mine to arrived....clicked your ads...happy blogging!!!

  25. wah...cashout already.jeles of u!

  26. keep it up! happy blogging. i also got my first check a few days ago.. really worth it!
