Monday, March 16, 2009

New record for highest visitor in a day

First and foremost, my blog is not a famous blog to be compared of like Kennysia or XiaXue blog. This blog provides the opportunity for me to express my feelings and thoughts as well as the life experiences gained. Besides, I loves to write on events, foods, travel or current issues attached with photos. I try my best to provide detailed descriptions so that my posts will be informative and not just to 'see and go' without leaving any impacts. On the day I posted my post on "My First Nuffnang Cheque', the number of visitors on that day hits the highest record with 243 visitors deleting the previous one with 208 visitors (should be). Thanks again for those who had come and cheered for me. Arigatou.
As for previous week, I only managed to add 1 more post. It will take me quite some time to make a new post plus I am facing a heavily packed schedule for my studies. For those who do not not mind to wait, thanks again. Perhaps, this is the shortest time I took to make a post. Haha..short and simple but less content. Which do you prefer?


  1. wow~really a high numbers of visitors o~~~~

    Just follow wat u like....long or short content also nice

  2. ooh, coool... i hvn't gotten my first cheque yet...

  3. WOW!! That is really great. Such a huge number of visitors in a single day. Quite impressive I must say. Thanks for the share. Good job done.

    Aditi Datta
