Friday, July 23, 2010

UCSI University Oath Taking Ceremony 2010

This Oath Taking Ceremony is held annually for graduating students from Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (School of Pharmacy), UCSI University. It has been a culture for Pharmacy students from universities all over the world to take the Oath of A Pharmacist before joining the working profession.

In this meaningful event, we were pleased to have Puan Abida Haq, Vice President of the Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS) as our Guest of Honour (replacing Datuk Nancy Ho, President of MPS who was on duty).

In the Oath of A Pharmacist, we vow to devote our professional life to the service of all national and international health care communities through the pharmacy profession.

We will accept the lifelong obligation to enhance our knowledge and skills for the development of the pharmacy profession.

We will consider the welfare of humanity and rel;ief of human suffering as our primary concerns.

Alvin represented the graduating students to give an inspirational speech which touched deeply into our heart recalling the moment we joined into the University, faced endless hurdles in our study, memorising endless notes, took endless quizzes and underwent long duration of exams.

A video was presented to the graduating students on their journey from Year 1 to Year 4 en route to degree completion. There were lot of ups and downs and all these will be stored in our memories.

A certificate and a souvenir were presented to each of the graduating students by Puan Abida Haq assisted by the Dean of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeong Siew Wei.

Thats me on the bottom right!

Photo taking session with lecturers from Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, UCSI University.

Directed for some gestures for the photo session. While the lectures and GOH were taking some light refreshments not far away from the stage, all of us in unison shouted 'Thank You Lecturers!'

The always LAUGHTER group

On bottom right, with our beloved lecturer Ms. Saraswati. Thanks for everything Ms Saras!

Parents, friends, bf, gf were also invited to witness this official ceremony.

With the Juniors...

With my BIG BOSS with endless demands, Dr. Yeong Siew Wei. Thanks for all the guidance and teaching. Seriously, I learnt a lot from you.

At the VIP tables

Dr. Yeong giving some pep talk to the students.

Hot models!!

We took the vow voluntarily with full realisation of the responsibility with which we were entrusted by the public.

What would be our path in the future? Good luck to all my dear friends!

1 comment:

  1. wow~u r going to graduate.....time really flies~~~~~~
    Good Luck in the future!!
