Sunday, July 25, 2010

Preparation for community service

Well, you got to believe it. We were told that we would be going for a community service at two different children homes the next day morning. It was at that time 830 pm where we were asked to prepare a performance, a storyboard and a card for the children.

Those standing at the front were the lucky one selected to join for performance. We did a lucky draw to select them out from the unlucky one. xD

We were then given colour papers and writing materials to prepare a storyboard and a personalised card for the children at respective homes.

That's my group brainstorming on what story that would be suitable to children age group between 4 to 10. We decided to use Alice in the Wonderland in Malay version. Argg... I forgot what is Alice in BM.

Out of sudden, there was trip switch and it happened several times. Despite that, we continued our preparation as we were lack of time. 

After making the storyboard which comprises of few pieces of illustrated paper, we then proceed to make a personalised card to the children. Each of us will make a card for a children. Interestingly, we will then have the opportunity to guide and teach the children to make a card too when we pay a visit the next morning.

That was my neighbouring group.

My personalised card with my website written on the card. xD. Thanks my sifu, Wee Ling for drawing the Chicken Little. You are really good in drawing.

That was the creative work by Amy Chuah with lots of loves on her card.

Tweety Bird by Kuan Poh also drawn by Wee Ling.

Sponge Bob masterpiece by this gentlemen.

Belinda with her smile.

Shamil with his sport car.

Sifu Wee Ling with her little frog.

Thien Jian with a stalk of flower.

Our masterpiece

It was about 11 pm ++ after we had finished the preparation. Next, we still need to do some practice for our 'Show Time' performance on upcoming days.

This was the lyric of One Love that I need to memorise. However, due to some pack scheduled coupled with my involvement in Patient Counselling Event, I didn't have enough time to memorise it. Well, you will know when you see my performance for the Show Time.

By the way, it was a great job done by all in making the storyboard and cards in just few hours which were to be used in the next morning. 

Group 1-4 will be going to a children home located in Kulim whereas Group 5-10 will be going to Persatuan Pendidikan Kanak-kanak Khas, Sungai Petani. 
How would be the visitation outcome? Stay tune. 

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