Friday, January 1, 2010

New price for cigarettes from 1 Jan 2010

Much had been said and done to prevent the growing numbers of tobacco smokers among the Malaysian population. However, the measures taken so far was not that successful. This is proven as we can observe many youngsters do smoke especially during secondary school and more shocking fact that there are also increasing number of female smokers. If you buy a cigarette pack, you will not only see the warning from Ministry of Health that is 'Amaran oleh Kerajaan Malaysia. Merokok Merbahayakan Kesihatan'. I'm not sure when the new regulation was implemented that require the cigarette pack to display dangerous effect of smoking such as cancer and gangrene. It can be seen at the video commercial by Ministry of Health in their 'Tak Nak Merokok' Campaign.
Beginning 1 Jan 2010, the new price for cigarettes are as below as enforced through the Control of Tobacco Products Regulation (Amendment) (No.2) 2009.
The are two new regulations:
  1. The minimum price of cigarette is RM 0.32 per cigarette. Thus, no cigarettes shall be sold in the country below that price. A notice listing the minimum price have to be clearly displayed at the counter or at the place the cigarettes are sold. The notice cannot contain logos, brands, trademarks or descriptions related to the cigarette sold.
  2. Prohibition of sales using the words "discount, special price, special offer, promotion, promo, special edition and offer" or other words on the pack or the label or at the point of sale.
According to Minister of Health, Dato Seri Liow Tiong Lai, the new measures are to protect the interests of young children and teenagers from tobacco addiction and the possibility of drug abuse and chronic diseases. According to him, studies shown that increasing taxes and prices of cigarettes can reduce smoking especially among children, teenagers and low income persons. It is also claimed that a study made in 2004 in Malaysia has proved that price increment of cigarettes by 10% can reduce smoking by 3.8%. Based on the public responses through TV3 news, the smokers claimed that the increase of price is a burden to them. One of them said 'Once a smoker, always a smoker. People will continue to buy despite the hike of price.' In my opinion, this is very true. You can't reduce smoking by just increasing the price of cigarettes. What is more important to them is what will be the solution? I am wonder why the MOH do not promote Nicotine Replacement Therapy, NRT to the smokers to leave the addiction to cigarette smoking. Those smokers should be advised to see their doctors or pharmacists to eliminate away their addiction to smoking through NRT. NRT can help to cope with the withdrawal symptoms and cravings of nicotine from cigarette. It is available in the form of nicotine patch, inhaler, nasal spray, lozenge, sublingual tablet and the most popular, gum. Next issue is about the enforcement. Though cigarettes are prohibited among youngsters below 18 years old, many of them can still acquire cigarettes easily. This is because sellers would not care other than increasing their sales while buyers are not identified when purchasing. Back to my high school time, I couldn't believe my own eyes to see many of my peers had started smoking and they are daring enough to smoke in the toilet and secluded area in the school. Surprisingly, not many of them are being caught. My question is how on earth they obtained money to buy the cigarettes? What is so good with smoking?
I do smoke once and I choked myself. The smell of the smoke sticked to my clothes and my body. Once I got back home, I brushed my teeth for few times but the smelly breath was still there. Check my previous post here. With the new regulations, I can predict that the sales of legal cigarettes will be decreased. On the other hand, there will be influx of illegal cigarettes from our neighbouring countries which will be sought after. The effect to those smokers would be even greater as we do not know what substitute ingredients have been used. Those illegal cigarettes sales will be targeting the focus group of the new regulation which are the youngsters and the low income groups. So, to those readers who smoke, when will you going to leave your bad habit? Leave smoking and saves your money. Make it a part of your new year resolution. Happy New Year 2010!!


  1. Bread and sugar oso raise price. Wanna prevent us from taking too much sugar and eating too much bread? I dono... Malaysia Boleh... wud oso can! :(

  2. ive studied economics and ciggs are non-elastic products. haha. means price hike actually does not affect the purchase much. =)

  3. I dont think the increase of price will stop those people from smoking :S

  4. I'm not a smoker but I can guess that the price of cigarettes have gone up. I would advise people not to smoke as it's not environmental friendly and it cost alot to print those "Do Not Smoke" sign and anti smoking campaign. Let the old generation be the last smoking generation and leave the children alone with smoke free. :)

  5. Hmmm.... price wont affect demand much. Quitting is like going through one of worst hardship in life... been there and thankfully was successful.

  6. Just ban the damn thing

  7. I don't think this will prevent smokers from smoking.

  8. @cleffairy: sugar increase to reduce sugar intake in malaysian. That move is totally crazy! and nonsense! Just say the government lac of money and they need extra money..the whole malaysians will believe.

    Elaine: non elastic product.. new term for me~

    yi han & irenelim: agreed, once a smoker always a smoker..we need a alternative or solution not price increase

    @kitkat: agree.. it is unbearable when ppl smoke in the public and clos eto you.. can't tahan with the smoke..choked*

    @quirky: congrats for that!! keep it up!

    @ariff: can't ban.. the politician themselves smoke but they ask the public or their children not to smoke

  9. Well, nice insight there! Well, the price hike will have some positive adding revenue to the gov...especially in duty and the soon-to-be-implemented sales tax...

    No matter it's efficient in stopping ppl to smoke...there are still other benefits, i guess?

  10. I hate smokers, so I agree with government on this matter. I hope one day they increase cigarettes price till RM10 or beyond.

    Gov can't ban cigarettes not because politicians smoke too, rather because cigarettes contribute to our economy. Imagine how many billions we might lost a year if cigarettes are banned.

    By increasing price, not only we reduce the number of smokers, our economy also benefit from it. 2-pronged attack. :)

  11. Me too, I hate smokers to the max...

    MY dad was once a smoker.. BUt due to health problem, he quitted. Luckily he did..or else, i wont even dare to get near him nw...

    Government is doing the right thing now. Those that choose those fake cigarette memang no hope already one. Their live, their choice..

    Btw, I clicked ur ads already...
    You know what to do ya.. Haha...


  12. @live life: yea definitely will increase revenue ..together with increase of price for sugar & breads

    @apamise: hopefully the number will be reduced

    @dark: agreed and sure~~

  13. In some places, the price increases on tobacco have proven to be a great deterrent and it also made some take notice of their choices.

  14. well, i guess the best way to stop smoking, is ban smoking.

    but that will make a real big influx among everyone, no? :P

    i guess increasing the price of cigerattes will decrease the amount of consumption, i guess.

    same goes to alcohol. i'm very surprised when i went to Vietnam a few months ago to see a bottle of Heineken actually costs RM3 there, while a bottle costs RM11 in malaysia. like, woot!!

    people drink beer like water there (it's cheaper than a can of coke. :P) people drink beer like it's luxury here. ;)

  15. @conan_cat: agreed.. perhaps by increasing the price, ppl wont take as in 'drinking alcohol like water'.

  16. NRT can help to cope with the withdrawal symptoms and cravings of nicotine from cigarette
