Saturday, October 18, 2008

GPF 2008 Day 1 Part 1: Community Service Project at Taman Bukit Angkasa, Kampung Kerinchi, KL.

It was Saturday, 18 Oct 2008, the first day of my official study break. The previous night, me and my friends celebrated the struggle days of examining with a special dinner till late night. (will be posted soon) And the next morning, I woke up as early as 450 AM (10 minutes after receiving a morning call) and barely 1hr ++ sleep. We intended to reach early as suggested by Ms Lisa (the person in charge of registration for GPF), but the KTM LOUSIEST service of the nations made us reached late.
Upon reaching at Universiti station, we were lucky to have a van to fetch us to the venue for the service project which was Taman Bukit Angkasa, Kampung Kerinchi. R- I was randomly assigned into Group 7 out of 60 groups. Each groups would have about 25 members. However, due to the unexpected responses, the total number of participants was claimed to be 2500 students. The event kicked off with a morning dance. I was amused with the chicken dance as it was full of creativity. It was combination of Chinese tai chi + Malay dondang sayang + indian joget + others funny movement. It recalled me on my service at PDK Selayang.
R- This was the person in charge in planning the community service event. He is from Afghanistan (i supposed). He was explaining his previous experience of such service worldwide and the purpose of the event of the day.
The service project was officiated by GPF chairperson Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Datin Paduka Seri Hjh Zaleha Ismail, an inspiring motivator who is 72 y.o. (women in red) She called us as her grandchildrens and asked to be motivated and energetic like her current 27 y.o. spirit.
L- This picture was taken from behind where the second group (group 31-60) were located. R- This was the so called 'Kampung'. Initially, we thought it should be wooden houses and area where you can see the chicken running here and there. Out of expectation, it was just low cost flat house. Haha.. Wangsa Maju also got a lot flat houses.
Alvin was initially assigned to group 30 + but later joined into Group 8. Group 7,8 and 9 were in charge of Block 14.
L- Alvin group mates were painting the wall
And this was MF group.
We had to paint the pillar with green colour and the wall with white colour.
gotong royong
R- The man in the centre was Ken from Germany.
So, where was I? As mentioned, I was in the Group 7 led by Adeline from HELP doing A level. I didn't take any pics although my camera was with me because I was busy with the works and my hands were VERY dirty. At the beginning, me and some group mates went to get the tools needed from the warehouse. Our leader was thereafter lost to guide two lost volunteers from Iraq (husband and wife) whom later joined into my group. While waiting her return and the paint to arrive, I initiated the ice breaking among my group starting from Farah 1 (from kolej perguruan Pulau Pinang). Among the group members that I recalled their name were Farah 2, Iskandar (UM), Amira , Pei La (China), Lucy (HK) and Shruti (male, Thailand). Not to forgot, the Iraq couples with the man dunno why and when joined into Group 8 and was known to be the superb painter. Well, every1 was fighting to paint...guess he's lost the bid in my group..haha. My job was initially to rub the rusted pillar using a sandpaper. OMG!.. the crust dust was all over my hand and my cap. The given white cap become brown yellowish cap. The crust stick to my sweat skin. Then, using a tiny paint brush, I painted the pillar. This was still ok job. During the break, I got to know another few friends. Shu Yi friends whom i forgot her name and Lai Teng from KTAR. I had difficulty in explaining Shu Yi because i forgot her name and never expected to know her friends who I just get to know that they are HOUSEMATES. Haha.. I had difficulty in explaining why malay sirap is in red colour and to convince Pei La that the drink is safe to be consumed. Then, only I know from Iskandar that bandung contained milk. After the break, I had the toughest job which was to paint the wall using the small paint brush. Wow.. it was experience of a lifetime. It was so difficult to paint the dirty wall with green moss using the small paint brush. I was glad I did it! Shruti painted the lower part of the wall while I painted the upper part and the middle. Meanwhile, Adeline painted the unseen area, good job for her of not stopping despite my repeatedly call.. 'it's time to makan la...' haha... she's want to pursue in medicine.. gave her a long lecture of how to behave well as doctor!
This place is known as Kampung Kerinchi
Next, we waited for so long for the lunch time. While eating, the volunteers were entertained by dancing performance by various countries . The pictures shown were the ' shi shua shua dance'. I wasn't back to the main hall yet at that time.
Every1 was seen enjoying. It was a mass youth gathering meant for youth. Feel so connected!!
Then, we had to line up for a long queue to get our free lunch. There were 2 shorter but you need to stand under the hot sun while another longer lane was under the shade. Well, we are tough guys and extremely hungry.. so, me, mf & alvin chose the shorter lane.
We were given a plate of rice, a big scoop of vege and a big scoop of fish curry.
Well, UNEXPECTED meeting with Sivam a/l Anbukarasu..Haha..i rmb that~ He is currently pursuing 'degree' in army forces which upon completion of 4 years, he will become CAPTAIN SIVAM! yes, sir!! He is now a big muscle man~
R- The performance by community sociology society members of tarc students.. great!
R- Crazy Edward, the photographer and blogger who dance anywhere anytime according to the music rhtyhm. Does he looks like a Chinese?
Next was the performance by UM students..great dance!


  1. i saw my name there... wakakaka...

  2. Actually,we met with each other tat saturday.
    I remind ur face when i saw all of these pictures.
    eh~do u know that i jus stood behind u when we queue to take food.
    Why i remember this?!haha~Bcos I told my fren that "Wah~that green shirt in front one is handsome!"wahahahhaha~Is u leh!!
    Unfortunately, that time we dunno each other well.

    In my msn spaces, u need 2 sign in msn first to continue to post comment. that's y ur name is not posted there.

    My roommate is Li Juan

  3. hahah..wa...again..
    so near yet so far...
    haha..i'm very ugly person.. u r wrong alrdy..the green shirt is my friend la..hahahahaha..will tel him later...
    the chinese words...i will ask my fren for the meaning of the word..hahaha
    wat a small world~

  4. i taken ur comment from my test page..that page will be deleted soon de..

    'Hey~i'm in the first pic leh!!!!!
    The yellow colour shirt!!short hair one!!!!!
    this pic got my maktab frens more la~~~~''

    WA... u want to kidding me ar...
    so coincidence~~~faint~

  5. hey thanx 4 report this event here. plus with picture. very good. i hope u can tell us more about full event. although i din go, but i can feel da aju feeling. haha. kidding. let me noe once u update ur blog. thx

  6. hey .. more pics here

  7. Great blog! Your effort to put up this blog shows your passion and interest in GPF. Can we link you up to our GPF website?

    By the way, we will continue to have more on-going programmes to gather more peacemakers. Are you interested to be part of it?


    Dr Teh -

  8. wow~ never expect Dr Teh will visit my blog..
    haha.. SURE no problem..
    SURE too for any incoming activities..
    Thanx for organising this great events!
