Saturday, October 25, 2008

Global Peace Festival 2008 Day 2 Part 3: Celebration at Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil

the last part
The 'backstage' of our Angkasawan Negara, DR. SHEIKH MUSZAPHAR
One thing which is very obvious is that upon returning from the space, his job has changed from professional specialist doctor to non stop MOTIVATOR. I pity him as he may be burdened by the Government commitment to 'inspire' the young Malaysians to be successful like what he had achieved. To my prediction, there will no second ppl like him for the next 10 years or even 50 years as we are now facing the economic crisis. The deal by Russian government was only because in the name of business. Shall we have to bear all the cost from A to Z, it may take the whole income of the country per year. Can we afford to send controversial space 'visitor' with super high amount of money? His achievement may be a good starting point but arguable as I too if was send to space can click the on and off button for the so called international space experiments.
Dr.Hyun Jin Moon with his same style and same speech..people may think it is inspiring but I would say the delivery is good but the content was the same.. I heard thousand time of One Family Under God.Aju! from him and this was all about his speech.
The ambassadors of PEACE was called in to sing the GPF song Daniel and Jaclyn last she came on stage.. she was my favourite idol...she won the first Malaysian Idol Ella was standing in the middle The top giant screen was what I mentioned earlier Nikki from Sabah, one of the finalists in Malaysian Idol as well I had never heard about him since the Malaysian Idol Daniel turn to perform. He looked smart with this attire~

Don't you think so? I think he has problem pronouncing the word 'every body' kewl pics he sang his signature song, Mimpi (combination of Malay + Mandarin version) Ella...better known as the Malay Queen of Rock is standing at the age of 42 I can't resist myself from singing along with her signature song...Standing In The Eyes of The World..the theme song for Malaysia Commonwealth Games you guys still rmb? It was already 10 years back! I am 10 years older as well

Suki@!! The champion of Once In A Million. Long time didn't update her info. She changed her hair colour to blond. We was very grateful and fortunate to have this VIP seats that can see the artists very clearly from our seat. I don't think there will be another next chance unless you are willing to pay at least rm 450 ++ for the 'golden' seat.
She had changed to be more mature... slowly turning to a truly superstar.. indeed she is now.. The lucky students who managed to sneak from the tight security to give presents to Suki.
She was so stylish~ Awaiting for more great songs from her..
YEAH!! The time we all awaited has come. It was Jaclyn Victor turn to perform!! Yo.. can you see the distance of her mic and her mouth.. You can predict how powerful her vocal is.. BravO! She just too elegant~ I had found no one that can beat her as for nOw.. She was singing Gemilang, the song that won herself the First Malaysian IDOL.. i do remembered the lyrics... come all the singers only sang 2 songs each? Jac as the main singer should have made it 3 or more.
Those lucky hands.. After Jac performance, all the others artists were called up to stage for final show That was the end of the event~
R- UTAR students taking photo Our group photo.. anyway where is Phang? He did not contact us from the very beginning The complete group photo Having fun on stage
Jumping shots again.. And this time was Alvin..
So, till we see next time again@@!! This event was great and I learnt a lot from it. Besides that, I knew some new friends locally as well as internationally. It was indeed a good platform for youths to gather and work for the same cause..which is for the betterment of the society. Although the duration of time may short, I hope my hardwork of writing the full detail of the event may be useful for everyone to recall the memories during the 2 days event.
One Family Under God. Aju!!

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