Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Program Jalinan Mesra Majlis Tindakan Membentang Dadah (MTMD) Agensi Dadah Kebangsaan Bersama Penduduk Taman Mesra, Sandakan

Welcome back to my blog! Barely a week  ++ after I officially start working, the new PRPs were required to participate in a community service project which was unknown to us. In this event, all the government department would set up their own booth and provide exhibition, information, services etc to the member of the public. In the picture above, I was at an unknown government department booth. 

Spotted this booth with cool equipments supposedly from the Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM). I managed to take a picture with their officers clad in their cool blue uniform. Check out the equipments which comprised face mask, weight belt, diving knife, magnetic compass, snorkel, depth sounder scan, 
tank pressure gauge, depth gauge, aqua glove, underwater torchlight and cyalume light stick. 

Next, to this booth with a human dummy portraying his miserable life due to smoking addiction. Initially, Wei Kiat would like to take a picture of himself jailed inside the PVC pipe made jail. I then managed to get some actors to portray a message 'Kids say no to smoking!'. TQ adik-adik sekalian!

Next, I went to the main stage area where everyone were seated under the canopy to enjoy a live music performances from 'local celebrities'. At this point of time, I was interrupted by an unknown person who were so kind to me asking me where I from and if I need a programme book. Guess what, that guy supposedly member of the organiser of the event actually thought I was a member of the press. Haha. I was LMAO! (laughing my ass off)

Earlier, this batch of people was in rotation to 'jaga' the booth for Pharmacy Department. They were from left; Annie Soong, Phua, Pn. Wahida and Gee Pang at the back. They guarded the booth from 7 to 11 am.

For 11 am to 2 pm rotation, me, Wei Kiat and Shim Yee Wei will take charge. The crowd for that day wasn't that many as it wasn't the official opening day for the event as it would take place the next day.  

Pictures of 3 of us ~

We were instructed by Annie to erect this posters. However, after erecting 3 of the posters, we had no choice to disassemble them as the wind kept blowing them away despite putting heavy stuff at the foot  of the assemble.

Alright, this was our Pegawai Teh taking charge of the booth. Basically, what we do here were to counsel patient on non MOH approved medications, use of medications, general knowledge of drug etc. Our main priority will lie on the smoking cessation and promote the Quit Smoking Clinic of Hospital Duchess of Kent (HDOK). 

Right beside us was the Nursing Department offering free blood pressure measurement which attracted huge crowds. Behind us was the Blood Transfusion Department supposedly doing the blood donation.    

The above are Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) used for smoking cessation. Basically, there are 6 types of NRT which are nicotine gum, patch, inhaler, nasal spray, sublingual tablets and lozenges. 

Champix is a brand name for varenicline, a nicotinic receptor partial agonist. It works by reducing craving for nicotine by binding nicotine receptors in the brand and by reducing the pleasurable effects of smoking. 

For those residing in area near Sandakan and wish to stop smoking, you can always walk-in to the Farmasi Klinik Pakar of HDOK and request assistance from the pharmacists. Don't find me yet as I haven't attached to that unit. 

Soon after the 'local celebrities' shows ended, most of the people returned back to their home and left their children 'hanging around' the place. We managed to get some adults who wish to quit smoking and asked them to come over to the hospital. However, for most of the time, we needed to entertain those kids and taught them importance to avoid smoking. Hope they understand our message!

Pegawai Teh and his patients.

These were the people taking charge from 2 pm till 5 pm. From left; Miki, Grace and Vincent. However, they ended closing the booth earlier as there were very less people and other booths had closed even earlier. 

For this event, the CPD Points are 2 (Category B2).  

In a nutshell, I would say such programme is good to provide general knowledge and exposure to the public. However, the method of implementation of the programme need to be studied throughly so that it will leave impacts to the public. In addition, I think the event lack of publicity as not many people are aware of such event. 

For the blood donation booth, I think it can be improved by providing barriers so that the eagerly looking kids and passerby would not crowd the area when the donors are donating their blood. For the GIAT MARA booth, I think that booth received the most visitors as they helped in registering those who are in need of jobs.

Alright, that's all for my report. 


  1. wow, you have an interesting 'job'. Thanks for sharing. And lack of promo indeed as I didn't know about it even though I'm in Sandakan. :-D

  2. saya dah senaraikan posting anda dalam "apa blooger tulis tentang masalah dadah" di
