Friday, December 31, 2010

Agnes Keith House @ Sandakan

This is about a place I visited, the Agnes Keith House. I think one should read this before paying visit to this place to have a better understanding of who Agnes is and the storyline. Below are my summaries that I had compiled.

The author: Agnes Keith.

Agnes Jones Goodwillie Newton Keith ( 4 July 1901 – 30 March 1982) was an American author who wrote about her life experiences. During her stay in North Borneo (now Sabah), she wrote three books The Land Below Wind, Three Came Home and White Man Returns. The first and third book was written in her house better known as the Newlands (now Agnes Keith House). The second book was written during her imprisonment as prisoner of wars (POW) under Japanese occupation in several locations. The Three Came Home book threw her into fame and it was later made into a film in 1950.

The husband: Henry George Keith.

Agnes married to Henry George Keith (known as Harry) in 1943. Harry, an Englishmen had been a friend of Agnes brother, Al. Agnes first met her husband when she was eight years old in California. Since then, they had not meet each other for about 10 years after Harry gone to work for the Government of North Borneo. Harry was the Conservator of Forests and Director of Agriculture under the Chartered Company and was also Honorary Curator of the Sandakan (State) Museum. He had been working in Borneo since 1925 and was based in Sandakan.

While Harry was on leave in 1934, he re-met Agnes and married her just 3 days later. Both of them went back to Borneo three months after their marriage.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

St. Michael's and All Angels Church @ Sandakan

Our next destination is the St. Michael's and All Angels Church located near the Sandakan town. It is one of the oldest building in Sandakan dated more than 100 years and had survived from WW II in 1940. In fact, it's first construction began in 1893 and took almost 30 years to complete. The designer was Mr B. W. Mountfort. 

The church was recognised as one of the world's heritage since 2005. One word when you arrive at this church is beautiful. You won't be seeing any other alike structure in Sandakan. This stone building was in fact underwent revolution from timber, brick and finally stone upon completion.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Kedai Makan Pukat @ Kampung Pukat Fishing Village, Sandakan

This place is located on the road heading to Batu Sapi and outskirts of Sandakan town. It is actually a fishing aka seafood village. Thus, you can find cheap and fresh seafood here. 

On the left of the entrance pathway, you can see many ships parked at the jetty. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Learning ABC with my nephew Jun Jun

It' s been long time since I last met with my cute nephew Jun Jun. Hoping him to grow obediently, good mannered and brilliant.

Taken quite a long time ago with taking him for shopping @ 1 Utama Shopping Complex, may I present you a video of Jun Jun singing ABC in rhythm.

*clap hands*

These are two most recent pictures that my sister sent to me via phone. Missing you, naughty boy!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

BaLin Roofgarden @ NAK Hotel, Sandakan

I would say that this gathering was sort like introductory week for me to this group of friends. They all had known each other earlier as they reported to work earlier. This BaLin Roofgarden is located at 8th Floor of the NAK Hotel at Sandakan Town. Previously, I never thought such a peace city would have such place to drink. 

It's always fun and pleasurable when a group of friends sat down together, chit chatting, eating or drinking etc. I'm glad that I had such opportunity at this alien place of Sandakan. Thank God for shading me and provides joyfulness to me. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Program Jalinan Mesra Majlis Tindakan Membentang Dadah (MTMD) Agensi Dadah Kebangsaan Bersama Penduduk Taman Mesra, Sandakan

Welcome back to my blog! Barely a week  ++ after I officially start working, the new PRPs were required to participate in a community service project which was unknown to us. In this event, all the government department would set up their own booth and provide exhibition, information, services etc to the member of the public. In the picture above, I was at an unknown government department booth. 

Spotted this booth with cool equipments supposedly from the Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM). I managed to take a picture with their officers clad in their cool blue uniform. Check out the equipments which comprised face mask, weight belt, diving knife, magnetic compass, snorkel, depth sounder scan, 
tank pressure gauge, depth gauge, aqua glove, underwater torchlight and cyalume light stick. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Akinabalu Youth Hostel @ Kota Kinabalu

This was me and my bulky luggage beg before departing from my house. I still can remember vividly the morning I had to leave far apart from my family due to the government 'stupid' posting. I told myself to be strong or otherwise my family members would be more reluctant in seeing me leaving away. I hold my tears and stay calmly and happy faces at all time. To be honest, it was really heart brokening saddening when you made your 'last words' to your family members especially your parents asking them to take care themselves, not to worry about yourself and taking care of their own health without your presence.

This time was a totally different scenario compared to the time I shifted out and stayed nearby my university. I am going to a totally new place that I never stepped on before, with zero friends count and  for uncertain period of time probably for 4 years. I don't even know the exact place of working and it might be probably a rural area. There are full of uncertainties and I have to face them alone. The fact was that I will not be able to see my family members that often, probably only ONCE a year. @.@

Alright, enough for the short introduction and say HELLO to the Land Below the Wind, Sabah. After reporting in at Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Sabah (JKNS), Kota Kinabalu, I then headed to Akinabalu Youth Hostel located at Jalan Gaya, Kota Kinabalu. The taxi fares here are super expensive. A short journey of less than 4 km are fixed at RM 25 (starting price).  

Introducing to you the Gaya Street which houses numerous Budget Hotels along the street. 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

OCTOPUS Sushi & Thai Restaurant @ Wangsa Walk Mall

Yo, folks! It's been long time I did not blog since I officially migrated 'dibuang negeri' to Sabah, the Land Below the Wind. Well, I am doing fine here. Back to the post, this Octopus Sushi & Thai Restaurant is located at the ground floor of Wangsa Walk Mall. The restaurant is quite spacious and offers menus similiar to the Sushi King but I guess it is cheaper than the latter. 

It is a good place to hang with your friends and spent hours of chatting here. Why? You'll will know in a short while.