Sunday, January 10, 2010

Koong Woh Tong, Sunway Pyramid

This is the place most visited when you have sore throat, feeling unwell or simply quench your thirst. The price here of course definitely higher than the hawkers found mostly in pasar malam.
Photobucket Looks like a wedding setting.. Haha. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Guo lin guo
You will be given a small teapot of honey. You need to add the honey otherwise it would be bitter. Some say the more bitter or original, the more beneficial it is.
Photobucket Guai lin guo small, RM 8 The large one costs RM 10 and the portion for the larger one is far bigger. The staff should have told us that. Photobucket Charlene 'tiapping' her guai lin guo. Oh.. my own language.. Haha. Photobucket Leong sui dunno what herb, RM 2.50


  1. Oh...that guilingou really expensive! Anyway, really good for health...haha..i normally ate it bitter too...=)

  2. Yeah, I go for their leung sui mostly, the Wong Lo Kat is bitter, too much to handle in few gulps.
    I usually take the 5 Fa Char (5 floral tea?).
    Order the bowl one cz it's cheaper, and more environmental friendly. :)

  3. @live life: yea really expensive

    @J2Kfm: thanks dude!! now i rmb wat tea i drank liao.. the 5 fa cha..
