Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Peek-a-boo Back Blouse

Have you heard about Irenelim fashion? It is a Malaysia online boutique offering nice and elegant blouses and dresses to the ladies out there. It is a great pleasure for me to receive a free blouse from her as a exclusive member of BU. She would like to make Monday a rainbow day and not just Monday Blue. Too bad I can't wear it so I extend the exclusive offer to my friend aka model, Hooi Hoon. She would like her Monday to be a yellowish and cheerful day. Between, it was the first time I used manual mode on my camera since I owned her months ago. Well, I'm still learning step by step. Let me present you my model of the day:
Hooi Hoon is a part time model of kwongfeimind.blogspot. She is a cheerful and playful girl. She loves going for trips, cinema, outing, shopping and basically everything. She is currently single.
Photobucket Back view. You can wear a camisole or tube to pair with the peek-a-boo back split seams. Wow.. I never came across the terms before until she explained to me. Front view Side view Side view She loves oranges, do you? She loves apple too, do you? This is the model wearing the same blouse as appears in Irenelim fashion website. My primary objectives are to make sure my model poses better than her and also prettier than her? Have my objectives achieved?
According to my model, she said that the quality of the blouse is good. She is satisfied with the blouse. However, she said that the price offered is slightly expensive. If the price is lowered, no doubt she will make purchase from the site. Thank you again Irenelim for sponsoring this blouse. For more choices, do check their website here.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Slurpeelicious Moment Contest: VOTE NOW, *updated*

Phew.. finally all the photos are successfully submitted. It took me three days to fully submit them. Wonder why only selected photos are uploaded in the website initially causing me to send repetitively. I spent another few hours just to find the photo on the middle night on the first day of voting through the super lagging page site. Duh~~! Waste my time!@ On the other hand, I would like to ask for support from my dear readers to vote for my fellow friends aka models who are joining this Slurpeelicious contest. A lot of hard works, time, brain 'squeezing' and efforts have been put for this contest. Check here for the photo taking day. My position are as photographer + director + manager for them. Haha. The general rules and regulations are:
  1. Participants are required to take photographs with any Slurpee flavour and cup size.
  2. For each photo submitted, the Slurpee product must take up at least 40% of the entire photo size. (That's why it is hard to take the photo as the main focus should be on the Slurpee and less on the person or background. Between, if you open the Gallery on the contest page, about 90% of the photos do not fulfill this requirement. Will the judges strict to this rule set?)
  3. Submission of entries can be attached with an optional narrative of the Slurpeelicious moment.
  4. Judging will be based on public voting system via internet and also on the decision of Permanis Sandilands Sdn Bhd and 7 Eleven Malaysia Sdn Bhd’s panel of judges.
  5. Two main criteria in determining the winners are the most creative Slurpeelicious face and enjoyable moment face with Slurpee.
So, YOU are important to determine the winning of my fellow friends if you think they have the winning criteria. You can view all photo submission at the Gallery page. And now, may I present you the photo entry for this contest.
So good, you will even jump to drink it.

Model name: Koay Hooi Hooi. VOTE (page 26) her now! Comments: It is seriously hard to take a jumping shot. You will know how many time she jumped non stop from previous post. This is because the mouth position must be aligned correctly to the straw. Also, the jumping act should be in a nice curve to portray out the sense of joyfulness. In addition, the facial expression must be considered as well. The curvature is the best of all in this photo and her eye is actually open if you enlarge the photo.
Slurpee, comes with so many flavour. You’ll think what you having next.
Model name: Koay Hooi Hoon. VOTE (page 26) her now. Comments: This is a rather simpler shot. In this photo, she is portraying that she is drinking the Slurpee and is thinking to drink for another Slurpee next. For the yellow Slurpee (lime), it is adjusted slightly bend 45 degree and appear slightly small in sight to resembles something in imagination. Drops of water outside the plastic cup can portray the tastiness of the drink as well as the strong desire of her to have another cup of Slurpee.
Slurpee, you’ll drink to the last drop.
Model name: Lee Yee San. VOTE (page 13) her now. Comments: This is indeed a great photo. She is enjoying drinking the Slurpee while laying down and leaning on a pillow. Her crossed leg added the sense of joyful moment. Her facial exppresion showed the drink is as sweet as her.
This is my 10th Slurpee, don’t tell mum okay?
Model name: Cindy Lau Sing Ling. VOTE (page 15, ignore page 11) her now. *Due to technical errors, there are 2 entry of same photo. Hence, it is advisable to vote through this link. Comments: In this photo, she is hiding under a table and drinking Slurpee to avoid being seen by her mother. To add the sense of cuteness and playfulness, she is talking to her bear asking it not to tell her mum she is drinking Slurpee secretly. I found her facial expression in this photo is the most happy and 'killing'. Alright, your mum will never know it. We will keep the secret.
Magazine + Mask + Slurpee = That’s life.
Model name: Foo Yen Yie. VOTE (page 13) her now! Comment: She is portraying a sense of relaxing moment putting on a mask and reading magazine. To quench for her thirst, Slurpee is the best choice. This gives a message to all girls on mask to try for her Slurpeelicous moment.
So irresistible, even gravity cannot withstand it.
Model name: Wilfred Chua Chun Chiat. VOTE (page 15) him now! Comment: He is portraying an excitement of drinking Slurpee. The facial expression gives a sense to the irresistible Slurpee and the strong desire to drink it. If you see clearly on the cup of Slurpee, the liquid content do not flow like usual and looked almost static in position with 90 degree vertical position. I had placed my vote to ALL of them! How about you? Will you support us? *Update on 21 Oct 2009*
  1. Hooi Hooi: 5 stars
  2. Hooi Hoon: 1 star
  3. Cindy: 5 stars
  4. Yee San: 4 stars
  5. Yen Yie: 1 star
  6. Wilfred: 1 star
* To vote, click to the link through VOTE then enter your email. After that, en email verification will be sent to you. Once you click the verification email link, then your vote will be counted. That's all and NO registration is required. Voting period from 19 to 25th October 2009. Hurry and vote for your favourite!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Deepavali

To all my readers, Happy Deepavali!!! Today, me, Yi Pei, Suk Teng and Naresh went to Subhashini house for a visit. Wan Ying and Kuan Phang couldn't make it to this function. The last time we visited her house was during her birthday celebration. See here. (the younger of us..haha) Hand made kolum at the entrance of the house usually using coloured rice. However, due to the traffic passing by the entrance, they painted the decor instead. Also, at the edge or the flower, there will be a candle usually lighted at night to brighten the house.
For Chinese, we usually had drawings such as bamboo, chicken, fishes, flowers, mountains and etc potrayed at our house. For Indians, it seems to be such story board consisting of a legend with the copper topping. This is a big pot of water floated with fresh flowers giving the fresh aroma of the flowers at the living room. Hmm~~ so fresh~ It is a big difference for cookies and traditional food served at an Indian house compared to the Chinese. A must to have for Indians are the muruku and some sweet delicacies. However, I do not get used to the taste of some of them. For example, the dark brown ring taste is so 'special', I can taste ginger and sort of santan inside. Oh...what is that? The best is still the chocolate chips..haha.
Me, Suk Teng, Yi Pei, Subha and Naresh.
Suk Teng still remain slim while Yi Pei has a very good understanding about the Indians especially food, attire and traditions. Salute her~ A good gathering for all of us to update our life, happenings and also the most frequent question 'Are you still single?'. As for me, it will be a yes forever. Haha. Me and Naresh~ Naresh is currently pursuing his Master in Science. Fu yoh~ Talk also different style already. Haha. Alright, are you ready for FOODS?
Curry chicken
Dhal Tosai
Briyani rice with kayu manis/suji?
Vegetables or more like acar
Chutney (coconut + pudina)
Chutney (coconut + sambal)
Ibli (steamed tosai)
Well, this is how I eat Ibli. Cut it into 2 middle lines. Then, place 1 flavour into each line. That's it, simple?
Wow, happy family it seemed. Haha.. no comment.
Happy father with 2 sons.
The girls~
This cili padi already graduated. Now, is working somewhere.
Both of them with the Deepavali outfits.
Me and Subha (once a cili, forever a cili padi)
Joyful occasion for all~
After that, we then went to Naresh house for a visit. All of us have not been to his house before. So, jalan-jalan cari makan continued.
A very warm welcome to eat the foods served.
Briyani rice
Putu mayam
Ayam masak merah (spicy chicken but with sugar)
My portion of food. Yeah.. I'm dieting..
One of the cookies served. This is ghee onde. Another new taste for me.
Till we see again perhaps next year? Good luck all in your current undertakings! *Thanks Yi Pei for the name of the foods. She knows well on Indian foods.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thanksgiving lunch for all pharmacy clerkship group leaders

First of all, a very sincere thanks to Ms Lyna for organising such function. It was indeed a very nice one. How you ever wondered eating with your lecturers? That was the main concern when I was deciding to attend or not plus I need to go back to 'hometown'. Haha. What will the topic of discussion with them? Argh..what an awkward situation! Between, felt very sad. I was playing with her the previous night until I forgot to change back the image size. I only realised why the pictures were so tiny when I uploaded them into my computer. The group leaders are Alvin (G1), Belinda, Gan Hui Chin, Lee Yen and ME (G5). Hui Chin was unable to attend due to health condition. Lecturers attended were Mr. Allan representing the lecturers, Ms Lyna as the head of Clinical Department and Ms Wong Pei Nee. Mr Fatokun and Ms Saras were unable to attend.
Spot me? Well, see how happy Belinda was and trying to promote the garlic bread! I love garlic bread or even breadstix dipped inside the creamy mushroom soup. Yummy~ We ordered the Lunch Express Meal for Two at RM 15.90 (before tax). This set included 2 Lunch Express Pizza/Pasta/Rice, 2 soup of the day, 1 garlic bread and 2 glasses of Pepsi. The pizza that me and Belinda ordered were the new Triple Chicken and the new Cheesy Chicken. Thanks Ms Wong for ordering the Deli chicken wings (smoked and spicy). I couldn't remember when was the last time I ate the chicken wings from Pizza Hut. It is small and a bit different taste but Ms Wong claimed it was standard size. Haha. Greedy me! Yummy garlic bread~~ We did discuss on certain lame questions for example: Where are you from? Are you going back hometown for study break? How was your study? Do you enjoy being a group leader? Argg.. how to withstand such situation. Haha. The good buddies, Ms Wong (small little eye), Mr Allan aka big kids and Ms Lyna (weng chun master?) Haha. No comment. * Between, it was a down and up day for me. The conclusion that I would like to make is that if there is no respect in friendship, I rather be alone. I had such experience before and I'm glad I'm out of the game and no longer be treated as a toy. I am just a normal human with feelings. Do not use my kindness as a weakness. My silence is to prevent chaos, only burst when it is dominated for selfish reasons. TQ for your understanding, my friends~ Appreciate.