Sunday, July 19, 2009

Why I like to go home? Haha *UPDATED*

What a post.. Actually, just wanna update on homecoming in the past 2 weeks. You guys know recently was the durian season right? As usual, my house was being supplied with a lot of durians claimed to be the best among the best.
Not only that, we were being pampered with somebody (relatives) took out the durians from the shell and put them nicely into sealed plastic tupperware. Wow..durians.. my whole family love durians! We have continuous supply every year. One thing which I cannot take it is when my mum love to eat durians with RICE. OMG~
Next, we have another supply of rambutans and also mangosteens. The rambutans were sweet and juicy but the mangosteens were the normal one.
Not only fruits, every weekend when I go back home, I also have the keropok lekor from Terengganu. I bought 2 packs during Redang trip and my sis bought another 2 packs later than me. Ironically, my family members do not like to eat much except me. So, ALL this I also have to telan because apparently my sister bought just for me.
These were the keropok lekor and its all mine for my lunch.
Well, do you get the conclusion? I'm getting fatter day by day. But then, I already started on my diet plan. Marathon 7 km, an apple for lunch with Organic Greenfield and many still in the planning. But sadly, this is all compliment with uncountable food trip be it planned or sudden plan that makes my aim seem unreachable. Haha. Any 1 want to go gym with me? Haha.


  1. U made me wanna go my mum's too~

  2. give me ur keropok lekor.thanks

  3. Ha! Eat durian with rice!!!
    But I heard about it before...Ha..Ha..

  4. You must have plan to watch your diet!
    But just a little bit snack and in between would make a big deal right!

  5. haha.. plan yto watch my diet..
    trying hard..
    lunch with an apple..should be can kua..
    then dinner baru eat more.. haha

  6. vun; i just ate 20 pieces of keropok lekor today..
    no choice no one want to eat.. i ahd to finish all..
    i hope i am still ok tomolo and days after

  7. KF, if u fren enough, sure share with ppl one mah
