Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Taman Pertanian Malaysia, Shah Alam

The Malaysia Agriculture Park was opened to public since 1986 and is located at Shah Alam. We came here by a Pajero driven by Siew Hoon. Fuyoh!~ Though she stayed very near to this place, we still got lost about an hour despite having GPS and human GPS aids.
Skytrex Adventure
I heard about this place long time ago but haven't got the chance to try it. As seen on the board, the price is RM 35 per adult which is quite affordable and reasonable. In this sort of outdoor theme park, visitors will 'swing' from tree to tree via series of aerial obstacles suspended at 3 to 22 metres in the air. Cool right? Anyone interested in joining me? We need a bunch of fearless people regardless of gender. Pre-booking is needed. This is the map carved on the wood. The area covering 1,295 hectares or virgin jungle is quite huge. However, no worry as you can rent a bicycle or ride on free buses. All the pictures were taken by Chie Chek and not me. Sound impossible right? This was because I was struggling and learning hard on how to ride a bicycle. I had told my friends thousands time that I do not know how to ride but they told I was lying. SOB. The charges for the bicycle is RM 3 for the first hour and RM 1 for the subsequent hours. Charlene said she do not know how to ride bicycle as well but she definitely do better than me. At least, she can balance within few seconds while I took a very long time to balance. Wait, balance only.. not yet cycle it... SOB. My friends demanded me to ride the bicycle despite I kept telling them I rather walk, run or even take the free bus service which I believed I can move faster. However, they taught and assisted me before I can start riding a few metres. My personal best was 100 m non stop during Form 1 and initially Thien Jian (the culprit's head) told me the road was smooth and not sloppy. OMG! The bus was behind me. The SOP was to stop whenever there is passing motorcycle, other bicycle or bus. Thien Jian and Kuan Poh were waiting me to reach them. I was struggling hard to balance myself and at the same time to ride forward. It was so painful and tired. Sigh. Then only they told me they believed that I do not know how to ride bicycle. SOB.
Animal Garden
This was our first station. It was a relief for me as we need not to ride bicycle around this place. I was hoping that I can instead asked the bus to take my bicycle back to the shop and used my both legs as mode of transport. Well, dream on..
They are rodents with sharp spines or quills defending them from predators. There were many of them spotted here. We dare not touch the spines. They seemed having alopecia on the body if you zoomed in your focus.
Spot the differences in both pictures.
Well, I dunno what animal is that but beware of it as it will vomit out liquids when you come near to its cage. Luckily, the liquids did not reach us.
Spice Garden
Beside Spice Garden, there are other gardens such as Ornamental Garden, Orchid Garden, Cactus Garden, Bamboo Garden and Mushroom Garden. You must wondering why the Mister Potato was seen in these pictures. CC had planned to make a video entry for the Mister Potato blog contest and these girls were his model of the day.
Random pics
Siew Hoon, Charlene and Kuan Poh were involved in this scene. I was laughing at them at the hut opposite the garden upon seeing them running and jumping around to grab the Mister Potato. A butterfly taken far from this spot. Erm my camera zoom not bad~ These were all the tired faces after the scene play at the garden. Initially, I accompanied Thien Jian to rest at this hut. Good for me too as I can rest my hands and legs after struggling with the bicycle. Resting while chatting before CC called for another scene play. These models were so obedient. Not bad. Again, it was throwing and grabbing the Mister Potato. I too involved in throwing while these models will be acting. I don't want myself being captured as I was too tired and exhausted while the water was running out. After finished the video clip, we then move back to the base. What a relief that they had cancelled the plan to explore deeper to the lake where an observational tower was located. See how I was struggling to climb up hill. The course was too advance for me as I jumped for beginner stage (smooth road) straight to riding up HILL. Argggghhh ... HELP!!! See I rather walk than riding a bicycle~ Between, I faced no problem in climbing down hill but these bunch of people really trust me to ride down hill without supervision compared to up hill. Though I don't know how to adjust the gear, I still know how to press the brake. Haha. At last, we managed to find a food stall. We were so desperate to look for water and finally we reached to this stall. The owner, perhaps the lady above, claimed that her drinks are sold at the cheapest price compared to other stalls. 100 Plus 500 ml costs RM 2 while 1.5 L costs RM 4. So, of course we bought the big bottles and shared among us. The lady even taught us to join the straw and provided us with the plastic bag. Good service right? Our next station was the paddy field. The picture was taken at a hut nearby the paddy field with a small pond full of fishes and a fountain.
Paddy field
Besides paddy field, there are also cocoa trees, oil palm, rubber trees, coffee, coconut and other fruit trees. We did not know this was a paddy field until I found the official website showing it (I guess they all still don't know). And again, these girls were modelling under the hot sun while me & Kuan Poh rested at the hut. It was the turn for CC to become the model for another entry. You can check the initial blog entry with video clip at Chie Chek's Blog. For the above picture, CC was 'frogging' at the pond to grab the Mister Potato. This blog entry can be seen at Charlene's Blog. Next scene play was taken at the hut. They were laying down while eating Mister Potato chips while I was taking their picture. Can you spot me in the picture? Did you found me? Neh.. the pair of legs.. I was standing while taking this picture.
Wa.. So relax after hours of cycling. On the right was me & my pet sister, Charlene.
~Photo of the day~
Have you heard of coconut jelly? It is simply jelly inside the coconut shell. It costs RM 4.50. Quite soothing after a day of thirst.
Chatting while eating the remainder of the Mister Potato.
Overall, it was a very tiring and exhausting trip. The miracle thing was I did not take any pictures at all. Good thing was I had broke the initial record of 100 m riding a bicycle. Haha. The Shah Alam Malaysia Agriculture Park opens from 8.30am to 4.30pm every Tuesdays to Sundays. It is closed on Mondays except when it is a public or school holiday. There are other attractions such as the four seasons garden (RM 3 per entry per adults) and even fishing (RM 2 for renting a fishing rod. The admission fee for the park is RM 3 per adults. Address: Taman Pertanian Malaysia Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel : +603 5510 6922 / 5510 6923


  1. do you guys know tat white parrot actually can talk well in malay???

  2. eh.y u guys went cycling but not try the skytrex. it is fun and challenging. i tried it b4.

  3. I've been here before. nice aite. yah another nice thing about this place is the skytrex. u should try it. hehe :)

  4. Guess what.tomolo I'm going this place..luckily I know cycling..haha..fuhh~

  5. @秋天里@紫鱼 : duno wor.. dat day try to speak multi language with it, it also dun wan to speak

    @shu yi: will find one fine day..

    @difa: alrite, will try to make it

    @puiyee: like that tease me la...SOB

  6. U guys looks like Mister Potato models! lol

  7. Taman Pertanian Malaysia is a nice place for outdoor activity. Unfortunately, a lot of people not aware about the place, lack of promotion.

  8. Must wear big hat and put on moustache then only look like Mr Potato ler.

  9. @akmal:thanks

    @horlic: true also..and some perceived as very far away

    @irenelim: ar.. so sia sui..

    @boon: don't mention la..aiks~

  10. wah meski bersebelahan malahan belum ke malaysia

  11. Wow bestnyer dapar berbasikal di bukit cahaya...

  12. can i stay camping for night?

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