Saturday, December 20, 2008

Indian cendol at Genting Klang

I think it's have been long time I didn't eat this local favourite dessert. It is very suitable especially when the weather is hot and burning you. So, I tell the Indian hawker to give me 'cendol biasa bungkus'. And guess how much it costs? RM 2 is the answer. WOW... last time cendol onmly costs RM 1 before rising to RM 1.20 and to RM 1.50 during the hike increased in fuel price. And now, after the fuel price have being controlled and even below RM 1.92/litre (currently is Rm1.80), the price is just too expensive! What would be the logic reason for this price? Which ingredients in cendol that are affected by the current high inflation? However, I can see a small amount of red beans and a small amout of corns in this cendol. But, I asked for 'biasa' only. If those days (even at RM1.50), i still can get cendol special with 'pulut', nuts and corns at RM 2. My response is 'NO next time. But, after a long period may try other stall and definitely not this one. It is not tasty at all'. This stall is located in the new internet cafe beside to Kodak photo shop at Genting Klang, same row as Sky Restaurant. (I guess it is something to do with some illegal activities. The mirrors are tainted black and got some 'jaga' outside.) Note: The previous Indian couple (with their old type of bicycle) is forced to leave since this new stall is considered a permanent site. Pity them. Alright, wasted RM 2 for something not worth it. Nonetheless, tomorrow or perhaps 'today' (just pass 12 am) I will go Malacca to eat the cendol durian, one of the famous Malacca delicacies. Well, again.. am enjoying this holiday to the fullest! I comes!


  1. last time burger specail rm2 . now rm2.60. everythng increase..damn

  2. haha i long time din eat Ramly burger alrdy~~
    can try one day but dis time i will ask the price first..

  3. haiya,the seller also nid 2 drive car or motor 2 his/her stall one mah!!

  4. hey r u kwong fei from air panas skool?

  5. Where is the place..?! Want to try it out..!
