Monday, June 21, 2010

Block A Canteen @ UCSI University

Early in the morning, we had this presentation skills talk by Mr. Kelvin. However, I was late to attend this talk not because I couldn't wake up but I had an appointment with my condo's agent to fix my unit's water heater. It will not be late should the agent and the repairman could come in time as scheduled. I managed to arrive in time... yea... 15 minutes after the talk started.

Mr. Kelvin (right) received a token of appreciation from Mr. Allan representing UCSI University

As I 'stormed' into the classroom, I was given a special welcome by him and my fellow classmates who clapped their hands. Argg.. It was an awkward moment as not only the students attend the talk but also some of my lecturers.

Mr. Kelvin (right) received a token of appreciation from Jivan representing the Year 4 Pharmacy Students

To be honest, it wasn't an inspirational speech but Mr. Kelvin managed to outlined the important elements of effective communication which were:

  1. Organise your speech.
  2. Get to the point.
  3. How to say it
  4. Your body speaks
  5. Vocal variety
  6. Research your topic
  7. Use visual aids
  8. Persuade with power
  9. Inspire your audience
Overall, I would rate him 4 out 10 as he did not manage to answer the questions from the floor well. To be an effective speaker, one should be able to provide a more realistic and appropriate solution to the queries asked and not merely rephrasing the facts. Even when Mr Allan threw him a question on how to overcome the language barrier among those studying in Chinese schools, he simply said one should practise repeatedly. If you were to ask me, having being into a debate team for years, I will not answer that but will instead ask you to practise in front of the mirror and be dare to speak among your mother tongue speaking friends. Do not afraid of making mistakes but learn from the mistakes you had made. By the way, Mr. Kelvin is new into being a speaker field.

Poh Chin, Cindy, Chu Wun and Yen Yie

After the talks, it was time to fill up my stomach. On the way to Block A Canteen, we met these pretty girls outside the university's library. Alright, 'pitcha' time!

Dickson and Shin Ying joining in the pictures at the canteen.

Alright, we have a model here, Ms. Cindy to explain to you how to make an order. First of all, choose any meal from the menu. Then, pay money at the cashier and get a waiting number. After that, take your own meal at designated area. This explains it is a self service canteen.

This was one of the menu that I was able to captured. This was because a lot of people were besides us (pai seh la) and there was limited menu display.

The happy couple, Kuan Poh and Siew Hoon waiting for their meal to be ready before collecting them at the counter where Cindy stood at earlier picture.

Wa.. food food food but I couldn't really recall the name.
  1. Fried rice with BBQ chicken + egg
  2. Fried rice with fish + egg
  3. Rice + fish + sald
  4. Rice with Thai sauce chicken.

I must say that the food were tasty and at affordable prices. The set price ranges from 5.90-6.90 (above pictures). It has the quality like at outside cafe or restaurants. Thumbs up!

Wei Kiat showing 'PEaCE'

After the lunch at Block A Canteen, it was time to go classroom. While waiting for our lecturer to come, we managed to take the time to take photos~

Time for some funny picture~ From the left: Me, Wei Kiat and Chie Chek

And Kuan Poh (third from left ) joined in

Guess whose 'back view' was this?

Most of the time when you see her, she probably holding foods or drinks.

Now you know who she was... Yee San and Suk Yen

And here some discussion on.. shh... secret~

In the pictures: Hooi Hoon, Wei Kiat, Yen Yie

As usual, when others busy chit chatting, meeting, shouting, screaming etc, Kuan Poh was busy sleeping. Aduh!~

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