Saturday, June 19, 2010

BBQ Night @ Suk Yen's House

High 5!! This was me setting the fire for the bbq. This was sort like class gathering en route to graduation very soon in July. Hand of applause pls....(xD)

I was in charged for setting up the fire while our dear Princess watching TV at the living room. Oh.. I was captured from the back without knowledge!

So, these were our dear Princess.. On the bottom left (right) was our Ms Cheras, Belinda who spent her time with us.

BBQ pitfire~ We had chicken hams, chicken wings, hotdogs, meatball etc. On the bottom left, was Hooi Hoon who was trying to insert the chicken wing through the stick (forgive her, she dunno how to do it). On the bottom right was Yee San and Wei Jie in a sexy pose with their finished product of chicken wings. If not mistaken, it should be Yee San and Hooi Hoon bbq'ing the chicken wing for me. Muacks! TQ very muchie.

Aiya..shouldn't explained earlier. You can see the foods of the day in the above picture. We had French fries but not to be bbq.

I think the only food I bbq was the chicken ham as I was very busy at the living room. Wanna know why? Hold on.. scroll down.

Wee Ling and Hooi Hoon looked so 'white' in the picture, top right. Don't get cheated by the picture. Haha. Bottom left was Poh Chin and Chui Wei whereas bottom right was Chu Wun and Shin Ying.

Alright, I was busy because I was watching the semi final math of Thomas Cup between Malaysia and China. Half of the audience were the supporters of Malaysia whereas another half were supporter of China particularly Lin Dan. I observed that males and females have different views of the game. While the males were seeing the technique and skills, smash speed etc, the girls were 'syok sendiri' with the 'handsome'ness' of the favourite Lin Dan. *Hit wall*  

The badminton supporters inside the living room~ We had:
  • First row:Poh Chin, Chu Wun, Yen Yie, ME, Hooi Hoon
  • Second row: Chui Wei, Belinda, Wee Ling, Sue Zin, Chie Chek, Shin Ying
Oh yeah, Ms Shin Ying, OPEN YOUR EYES! =.='

Sue Zin and Belinda were aiming at Chie Chek's private parts to be BBQ. What would be the taste? Hmmm...

Group photos!! Love these photos so much~ Check out the sex maniac Belinda, tak habis-habis aimed at Chie Chek *tuuu*. She was located at the most left of the pictures. Bottom left was aiming at the moon. These fellas must be crazy!

Meng Fai, Xiao You, Alvin and Tomas seemed to have some private talks. Not sure about what but can we shared it? Don't be secretive.


The ladies: Belinda, Poh Chin, Chu Wun, Shin Ying,  Chui Wei, Wei Jie, Yee San, Yen Yie, Wee Ling, Xiao You, Hooi Hoon and Sue Zin.

Aik, where was Suk Yen?

The guys: Tomas, Alvin, Meng Fai, Me, Raj and Chie Chek

Wei Yau (bottom left) joined us after later at the night after attending an event earlier.

Apart from Wei Yau, we had Lee Yen, Wilfred, Mr Unknown, Lee Yen's bf and Yueh Teng. Glad that you guys can joined us!

Top: Chu Wun offering green popiah to Shin Ying..
Bottom left: Wilfred
Bottom right: Suk Yen (after changing her clothes)

Top: These 3 fellas like to have private talks outside the gate.
Bottom left: These 3 fellas always stick together in the school
Bottom right: These 2 fellas always like to show 'compromising position'

After the bbq session close to 12 am, it was now the cleaning up session.

'Semangat bergotong-royong'

I was helping to carry the pile of water too while Yen Yie and Xiao You were acting as observer cum QC. Haha. XD.

It was a nice bbq ngiht aka gathering though Malaysia lost badly to China (3-0) and how dare the mass media were saying the national squad was ready to clinch the title. I really hate it when they exaggerated our capability to so. Having the once a winner Roslin (All England) and lose subsequently in every next games and Mr. Oldies, Chong Han, how can we able to beat China, Indonesia and even South Korea?

Forget about the game, thousand thanks to Suk Yen for becoming the host of the night and may we have such opportunity to meet and hang around again!!


  1. wow, nice food and so fun having bbq..i long time din have bbq dy lo...

  2. later I'm going to have BBQ with my family... :D

  3. Wondering where is this house? Nice housing area...
