Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Vegetable farm @ Kampung Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

Hey peeps!Today, I want to bring you guys venture into my kampung or hometown located at Kampung Bukit Tinggi.Yea.. you got it right! It is the village located nearest to the Genting Highlands as well as the famous Colmar Tropicale (aka French Village) and Japanese Village situated at Bukit Tinggi. You guys know who is Dato Seri Liong Tiong Lai, the Minister of Health? He is the MP from Bentong at which Bukit Tinggi is located within.

By the way, this post is about real vegetable farm and not the Farm  Ville in the FB! As I always tell my sis, do something realistic rather than planting fake vegetables daily. =P

Abandoned logs at the entrance.
The typical setting of a vegetable farm.

My auntie supplied these green vegetables to the market at Bentong town as well as those food restaurants at Gohtong Jaya.

Now let's learn about Chinese vegetables.

Any idea what this vegetables is called? Argg Chinese vegetables are hard to be identified.
Green onions
Yu choy or yau choy : green leaf with small yellow flowers.

Name please.. It is best eaten as sugar preserved prickles or blended into juices.

Chili plant

Name please.

Name please
Wonder why these vegetables got holes?
Tadaa.. the culprit! One of the major problem in the crops is the attack of the insects. Being attacked is normal, is it the matter of how much pesticide one should put to balance out the benefit over risk. If you see any vegetables completely perfect, that may indicate high level of pesticide used. However, too much attacks by pests will destroy the crops.

Me @ the vegetable farm and under the hot sun.

Papaya tree along the river side.Behind these papaya trees is a stream of river.


The trees are so high.. how to reach them?

Answer is find a shorter one. Haha. And start plucking!

After years of visiting, this is my first time taking pictures here. Bloggers crazy behaviours?


Crazy? :Lets see what I did under the super hot sun! Get scolded by my sis from doing this.

The plucked vegetables which then undergone cleaning, weighing and wrapping before they are sent to the respective destinations on the same day it is plucked to preserve the freshness of the vegetables.

Me and my cousin

That's all for now. Car got heavier due to these plucked items.


  1. I oso wanna go visit the farm!

  2. Read abt this place. But first time seein all the pics!
    I wan to go too!
    would love to organise a trip there!
    Heard there are some good restaurants there rite?

  3. Oh!Bukit Tinggi,I was working in Bentong for 9 yrs.

  4. true about the pesticide thingie. No holes at all means too much pesticide. my mom usually looks for vegetables with a few holes so that she knows they were not drenched with pesticides.

  5. Japanese village got lots of kawaii or not?

  6. nice! im in the midst of discussing a joint venture to do a little farming there..hope it works out! :-)

  7. @Katherine: u go study, dun go out lepak..

    @Gourmand: you are right .. one can never imagien that the small kampung actually houses to about 25++ restaurants! the number is growing like mushroom and many choose this area as the price at egnting and gohtong jaya are way too expensive

    @tomas: i guess u should have try their cheap yet tasty dim sum at bentong town

    @ihsan: young genertaions need to be taught that not all things which looks nice are nice.. haha

    @Quirky: you are definitely wrong.. japanese village is actually just a normal forest turn to a visitor palce where there is a japanese wooden house in the middle where one can drink the japanese tea and wears japanese kimomi? but of coz u need to pay for the rent

    @ohmywtf: wow.. there is lack of younger generation who actually choose farming as career.. but you are more to business.. Good luck man!

  8. Oh lol, thanks for the info, never knew. Thought it's somehing like little korea in ampang.

  9. Are you refering to the tim sum at Siong hei lau?

  10. @Quirky: np.. a lot of ppl didnt knwo that too..

    @thomas: wa i cant rmb the palce where I ate last time.. i rmb one word only: CHEAP

  11. Hello KF

    I am taking a private group to Bentong town sometime 3rd week Friday of June. around 10 people and they are from middle east. Thought to drop by the farm.Can it be arranged? Plse email me at judynlw@hotmail.com

  12. Is the farm open to public?
    Since its your hometown, can youadvice on places to stay, Cheap Cheap One!
    Please, and thank you! Cos I can't seem to find much info online and all the hotels there are super expensive, or at least over my budget.

  13. hi there,,plannin a trip to kampung bukit tinggi for a day trip meal etc..any suggestions which restaurant is the best since ur a local...thanks...really appreciate any advice as its a special occasion..

    best regards,


  14. Hi,

    My name is Krystle and i'm doing some research for farm visits in M'sia.
    I came across your post on google and you look like you really know the place! Do you mind if i can get some advice from you?
    Do you have an email that i can contact you for more details?
    Alternatively, you can also contact me via email. My address is krystle@2amcatering.com

    Thank you very much!

  15. hi kwong fei. I saw your pictures and got really excited with the farm. plse can you advise where is this place. my family went to strawberry farm gontong jaya last week and we feel like wanting to visit again but prefer a farm with lots of vege and fruits. we also ate at bbq bkt tinggi rest... it was really expensive. my kids wanted to go again this coming weekend to celebrate mother's day. can you help with some advise on place to go (farm), restaurant or probably a hotel to stay. thanks Mdm ho

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  17. Hi,
    Nice pictures.. Really like it.. Thanks for sharing..

  18. one of the fruits is KEDONDONG (ambarella in english)

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