Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Teoh Beng Hock, a victim of hidden agenda

17 July 2009, a date to be remembered to all Malaysians. While Dato Seri Najib has improved his public confidence after taking the office for more than 100 days, the recent tragic had somehow tarnished not his name but to his party namely UMNO. The rest of the BN components are not to be named as they hold no power in prosecution and judiciary. UMNO ruled the country and not the BN, that's the fact that every one knows. UMNO is so powerful that they can interfere everything as long as it concerned on their personal interest as well as the party. We had been seeing a lot of news of corruptions claimed by the Selangor state government with proof and evidence, but there was no action taken by MACC or police. You know who I meant right? He is no other than the ex-MB, Dato Seri Dr. Khir Toyo who was famous with his own mansion, super high overseas expenses, the broom award and etc. Why MACC or the police never investigate him? Back to the Selangor state government, Dr. Khir who hold degree in dentistry has been finding ways every single minute to attack the state government. He claimed this is his job and I called him a loser who do not admit his fall. He placed a lot of allegations in his blog and the police do read his blogs. They were so efficient when they do so and arrested Teresa Kok without doing any finding based on the SOP. What happen to Dr. Khir who apparently made the false allegations? He is still a freeman today who can built a big mansion and earned more than 50 K per month. The recent case was involving the MACC investigating the Selangor excos which claimed of allegations of misuse of fund. In a private company, there is no other than the superior or the board of directors will lodge a police report if their staffs are found to be involve in corruption. In this situation, we d0n't even know WHO made the report to the MACC and MACC is so efficient to take away all the 'related' documents from the excos. Have they made sufficient findings before harassing the excos and disrupted their official duties?
Let's have a look to this video.
Are you touched with the video? Who is Teoh Beng Hock. You can google and find out more information. He is the political secretary to Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah. He was called for investigation of the alleged misuse of fund by MACC. He was being taken into long hours of questioning by MACC. MACC classified him as 'important witness'. He was released at 1.30 am but was found dead at 11 pm (if not mistaken) at the Plaza Plaza Masalam where the Selangor Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency office is located on 14th floor. CCTV showed that he had no left the place after released. Post mortem showed that he had died of about 5-6 hours before he was found by a janitor. So, where had he been during the period of time? Who he had contacted with? News line claimed he had not have enough rest and requested for a nap from the MACC officers during the so called 'giving statement' for long hours. Well, the police will do their investigations. However the public lost their confidence towards the police. What the people want now is the Royal Inquiry of Commission to investigate this 'sudden death' classification by the police. Teoh was to be register their marriage the next day and was going to be a daddy soon. Family members from both side were to discuss about the marriage. What else I can say? With due respect to the deceased and the police, I do not want to make any claims or any personal opinion on the death. However, the PEOPLE know what is the hidden agenda behind of all this stupid continuous attacking to the PR members. The PEOPLE are more wise today and they will decide on which source to be trusted. May Teoh Beng Hock rest in peace. I prayed that the God will reveal the culprits soon. Meanwhile, just hope for the best that justice will be prevailed.


  1. eh, i dont know wat happen wor....

  2. erm.. google la..
    or else next time we meet, i will explain in deep

  3. i dunno wat exactly happening on him ..even we know..i dun think it's good to say out..hmm=( by the way just feel pity with his fioncee..~*

  4. tsk tsk tsk.. what a mess..

  5. It is such a tragedy. We need CSI here, right away.
