Saturday, June 6, 2009

SMIDEC 2009, KLCC Convention Centre

OMG! Another shocking event. Peggy called me at about 11.45 pm on Wednesday and asked me to work for the coming next 2 days. At that point of time, I become nervous and was walking here and there thinking for a solution. Why? It was because my stuffs were not in Setapak as I never thought of working so sudden. I was designated to work for next week event so there was still ample time for me to get my stuffs back in Cheras. So, what were the solution??
Formal shoes-borrowed from Ah chung Formal white shirt- borrowed from Chee Boon Jacket- borrowed from Uncle Wong's treasure
I went to get the shirt by 1 am + from chee boon and had few hours of chatting with him. The pictures above were taken few hours later in the morning about 7 am of which I set up my tripod to take so called profile pictures. This is because a close up pic is needed in resume and I didn't find any suitable picture in my collection. Mum was nagging me for delaying the time (took about 20 minutes shooting session) caused she worried I will be late for my first day of work.
hmm.. how come both pic are similar... So, what was my job?
D1 - Purely 'back' desk typist. As I mentioned in previous post that my typing is 'EXPERT' level (something wrong with the software), she needed me to type the particular of the visitors of the event. There was 5 typists including me and 4 front desk typists. It was so tiring and exhausted as the number of visitors was a huge sum. We were given a laptop to key in the data and external keyboard. When I reached home, I had my earliest sleeping time by 11 pm throughout my sem break up to now. D2- Multipurpose job. Due to some circumstances, there was no longer 'back' desk typist. There was 5 front desk typists. So, some of us helped in distributing the paper bags and assisting the front desk typists while some became the usher. The job wasn't easy as the crowd came continuously leaving not rest time. Yesterday was eye sore but today was was back pain as I needed to bow down to take the paper bags. My jobs included temporary front desk typists, paper bag distributor, inserting directories into the goodies bag, DBKL aka floor cleaner and etc.
This was the registration counter where I worked. The counter was closed at 5.30 pm. The event run from 3-5 June 2009. I was called in to substitute a person for Day 2 and day 3. Some of the part time colleagues while some had left earlier. Look to the direction which the finger was pointing. It was Peggy's bare naked legs. (it wasn't my hand) The team comprising the typists, assistant and ushers together with the event coordinator, Ms. Peggy. FYI, I don't even have the name tag with lanyard as I was new among them. Not even attending the briefing or training. Me and CK Me and Benny The ladies smiles~~ say 'CHEESE" Guess who was beside me? She was actually ready to take the photo but out of sudden laughed till cannot tahan and turned behind. Ms Peggy, my boss Initial CSI investigation revealed that she might be very young even YOUNGER than me. OMG..what a fact~ Nur dengan mata yang mengancam~ Have you been electrified by her? The guys smile every1 This was 'header' (dunno how to spell her name) in lazy mode. She insisted not to take her photo so I only took 'back' side photo. Me and Janice She reported on the same day as me. However, she is the new permanent staff. She is suspected to be even younger than Ms. Peggy as she just completed her diploma. This company is full of young ppl 'underage' of 30. Nur & Janice Benny and Nur Nice pic~ Me, Chan and Benny cam whoring time sharmine & nur
So, what's SMIDEC all about? Don't ask me. We were too busy to enter into the exhibition hall although some had managed to do so. I heard there was food testing. Oh..FOOD. This is my update on my 2D working experience with a bunch of new people and surprisingly I found out that many are younger than me. (how can that be?) This event was considered 'small' and the upcoming next week event will be a bigger one with more registration booth. Nice experience!!


  1. fuyoh~hou yeng ar~~hahahaha
    all ur shirts r borrowed one....wahahahaha

  2. hahah.. economic x good everything also need to borrow..haha
