Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Finally, all lab reports, assignments & quizzes are done!

Yo.. finally I finished all my quizzes officially yesterday! And finally I can spare some time to blog to revive it! Here is the summary of the dreadful period I went through for the past 14 weeks. Quizzes started from Week 8 till the Week 14 with only 1 week break at Week 10. Report writings started as early as Week 3 till Week 11. Assignments were done somewhere in between. In a particular week, I might have 1-3 lab reports to be prepared with 1 quiz. Yea....the school is training us to be a study’ robotic machine. LOL.
My study break officially starts today. In the very own history of SOP, this is the first time for us to have only 1 week study break to cover the 14 weeks lecture! Despite protesting on the shorten study break, we as students have no choice but to abide the new policy implemented by the school. With the exams interval as short as only one & a half day, we can only do our best and hope for the best. I myself having some trouble on how to plan my time to adjust to the shorten study break period.
Finally, good luck to everyone!


  1. hehe...Evything will be ALL RIGHT!!! wahaha....Jia You!!!! Enjoy ur study break!!! =)

  2. me too....all hv done...
    waiting for the exam now on

  3. pharmacy? good luck man!
