Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Samaritan helping a woman at university

My day begin with a frustration over a member of my committee. The day was spoil as I was kept thinking the appropriate next action. My initial plan to do some study has spoil. I did discussed the matter with one of the top committee and she had given me her opinion. By 10.30 am, I went out with 6 others committee member to Bukit Jalil Golf & Country Resort. This was to make a deposit payment for the upcoming Pharmacy Night cum Oath Taking Ceremony. We discussed a lot on the pertaining issues with Mr. Ignatius Wong, the person in charge for banquet. Initial thought that it will be a fast one was wrong. Mr. Wong elaborated to us on some important stuff to be discussed among ourselves regarding the event. About 12.30 pm, we went to Sri Petaling for a lunch. We decided to go Miu Kai Restaurant. The food was nice and considerably ok. Most of them ate the cheese baked rice while I took marmite chicken rice as I do not feel super hungry. Perhaps, my current appetite is not as aggressive as last time. Then, we headed back to university. Just after I reached there, I was busy with the collection of money from y4 and y1. It was supposed not to be my job but it is my responsibility to ensure the money collection shall not be delayed. As different year has different timetable, we can't make any delay to do so or else we will end up getting nothing from them due to the time constraint.
I had an appointment with the y4 rep at 1.30 pm but I couldn't reach in time. So, my treasurer did it for me. Next, was the y1 students. Oh.. it was a total mess! The class rep thought that one my committee member will come and collect the money from each of them. Sigh~ It was supposed to be the class rep who collect money from his classmates before the money is collected by my committee. So, the class rep then started to collect the money. I managed to grab some unfamiliar face who seemed to know me to attend the event. I had my long talks with them until they finally decided to go. It was only 3 of them which then happened to ask me more registration form for their other friends. Oh.. wat a nice reply from them. Then, Dr. Nala came in to start the class. However, the collection was in the process. So, pai seh. I gave my non verbal communication signal to him for making my appearance in his class and he greeted back with smiles. He is the most understanding lecture. I pulled the class rep out from the class. While he was busying givign me the money, some coming from no where came to give the money and the registration form. Thus, this disrupted the count as some of them paid the money without filling the form. It was a chaos! Then, we took all the money and the forms to a class nearby and started to do recount. It was not an easy one and we took some time to deal with it. I wrote the names with me and gave to the class rep to double check their payment status. After kau tim, we rushed into our classroom as it was Prof. Noran class. You know... the calling of names before the class started. we managed to reach in time. Prof. Noran mood was good today. If she keeps it well in all lectures time, I think the learning lesson wouldn't be that stress. Not to mention, I actually brought a friend of mine together with me to do some important stuff at y1 student. A good conclusion I got from this friend which shall be not discussed here. Haha.. The afternoon class today was 3 hours with each hour with different lecturers. Ms. Saras came in for the first time to teach us. Well, I would say overall she's good and her notes was nice as well. The diagrams used in the slides were stimulating as in interest. For the final lecture of the day, i do not want to make any comment here. Please ask the rests, they can describe well. After the class officially end at 5.30 pm, I had a discussion with another 2 top committee on some issues. I had their views and will consider them. TQ to all three of them. Next, since the guard was closing the classroom door, me and my treasurer went up to 3rd floor open area to calculate the total money collected for the day. Wow.. it was my first time handling such large sum of money. We counted, recounted and reconfirm the amount. Money issue is better to play safe. Again, as the OC, I had to ensure the correct amount of money was received. Alright, so it was the time to go home now. While I was on my way to my car, I was encountered by a woman who seemed to be working in the university. She was asking me whether I have the battery jumper as she couldn't start her engine. Before that, I wanted to express my thankfulness for getting a nice car park just beside the stairs towards the classroom. For normal days, it was extremely hard for any1 to get a car park at the school parking bays. Back to the woman, since there wasn't any1 around who may help her, I nodded and drove my car and parked just next to hers. Well, I was unsure the correct way of using the jumper. I admitted that I was a lousy one in this. So, I called my friend to ask his guidance. He did tell me the way and the precautions to be taken. While I was in the phone, another man came to help install the jumper. Alright, so the next thing I need to do was to press hard to my accelerator. It worked and surprised me, so fast? Actually, I had few experiences of having same incidence. If during my previous time, there were people volunteering to help me, I found no reason for me not to do so. The jumper was actually not a good one. The size of the cable was a small one which might not be good enough to transfer the electricity generated. That's why I puzzled why it was so fast. After some time, the jumper was then being removed. The woman thanked me for the help. I felt good to had helped her. After that, we went to the bank. This time was to bank in all the money collected. It wasn't a smooth process. We need to insert the cash and some will be rejected due to unknown reasons. The total number of notes that the machine can accept for each transaction is 100 pieces. We tried several time to reinsert the cash and to change with another from our wallet. We managed to successfully banked in all but the process took us a very long time indeed. Next, I drove to McD drive thru to help my friend tar pau his dinner. Well, the promotion coupon that McD currently having is also applicable to drive thru. Soon after that, we went to another friend house who is one of the committee. The reason was to pass her the registration forms and to document them. Well, it seemed I had disturbed her nap. Very sorry for her. Due to the time constraint, I had to ensure this thing must be done before the next meeting. Thanks her so much. After bothering her, my last stop was to the send my treasurer back home. On the way, I met with 2 different year juniors. Finally, all kau tim and I was ready to go home. Guess what was the time? Class ended at 5.30 pm and I only managed to start my journey back home at 7.30 pm. The day was full of tension, fatigue and stress. I cant really concentrate as I think I had migraine since I stepped in back from the lunch. That wrapped up my day. To counter all these, I just need to switch on my air cond and have a deep sleep. In the next meeting, I need to gear up the progression and rendered my appreciation to all my working committee members.


  1. wah, KF. seem like u done a lot of good deeds wor. hehe. then y dont u help me also since u are so nice. ok?

  2. help me in everything since u r so kind loh.hehe

  3. After i read ur blog, it's seem that im the useless committee already...Haha...

  4. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
