Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Niu Year 2009 Bai Nian at Pn Chew House

I woke up as early as 8 am despite the tiredness of having reached home late from Perth in the previous night. Then, about 9.45 am, I went to fetch Yi Pei who was late for about 15 minutes at LRT Sentul. From there, we headed to Chee Fei house to fetch him. Although knowing his parents were not in, we still pay a visit to his house. Then, about 10.40 am, we went to fetch Gurvin before heading towards to Cheras to bai nian at Pn Chew House.
At Chee Fei's house
We reached at Pn Chew's house at about 11.30 am. This pic consists of the first badge of her royal students except her little daughter and a friend of Chern Yung.
Well, we love to take photos~
Gurvin, Yi Pei and Yoke Ching
Me, Chee Fei and Chee Boon
Joining in were Jian Feng on the most left and Chern Yung on the most right.
These guys like Pikachu very much.
When Pikachu met alien..that was the response
Steamboat buffet and fried nuggets for all
Playing cards and 'no gamble'
Unknown ladies
Soon Keat and Eng Tat with their friends
The most left looked like Jackie
Did I see them before?
Me and Jian Feng
Chee Boon, Yi Pei and Gurvin
Kun Ping and Pikachu
The mix up of different generations of people but age still about the same..Hehe
UCSI University mates: Joseph, Jackie and ME
The brothers with big difference
Angpow time from Pn Chew..She will turn broke in just one day.
The crowds of people. There wasn't enough space to move around.
Lazy bump
Enjoying lunch~
The handsome Chee Fei and pretty Yi Pei
Pics with Soon Keat and Eng Tat
Chee Hong with Pn Chew youngest daughter
The same factor brothers.. Guess what was the similarity in both of them?
There wasn't enough space till we had to open a new place (room) to play Big 2. Initially, it was alright but later on when the crowd were getting bigger, it was very stuffy.
Red wine session. Those students bought Pn Chew 3 bottles of different red wines ranging from 11.5 to 14.7 % of alcohol.
Cheers from Tham!!
Experience sharing time
When Pn Chew found a pillow on Chee Boon's shoulder
The Goddess of Gamble, San Hui. She made my wallet lighter. She had the look, appearance, style, skills and everything to become the next top Gambler. After generated large sum of 'revenue' here, she will continue the hunt at GH in a week time. Damn pro~
Smile everyone!! Different generations of us but under the same teacher, Pn Chew. (This was just a part of the attendees. Some had left ealier)


  1. Wah so crowded ar. Looks fun ler... I wish I could pai nian with a bunch of friends too.

  2. thinking back time, how i wish i could go bai nian with bunch of friends together. Its fun and non stop laughing for the whole day.

  3. wah kimming where got look liek me wor!! he more leng chai than me ah

  4. hyperX and Justinkc:
    well, u r not dat old wat..
    so, still got chance..
    forgot to mention, really non stop laughing and talking.
    i came qat about 1140 pm and left at about 540 pm.. will stay longer if my friend wasn't rush to back home..

    jackie: oh,..his name is kimming

  5. Ha! Ha! Ha! Love the 6th pic so much... And i set it as my desktop wallpaper...!!!

  6. yea me too..
    it will be great to have all in here.. but due to the space, this is very good enuff indeed..

  7. thx for ur support me to GH, i really won a bit at there.... wahahaha..... :D

  8. haha.. u really the Goddess of Gamble..
