Saturday, December 6, 2008

Team Building Camp, Dusun Eco Resort, Day 2, 1 Dec 2008

We woke up as early as 650 am. I can't sleep the whole night. My leg..ooh poor leg.. it has become frozen due to the whether. It is so cooling at night as compared to the chalet in the afternoon. We have the natural air cond with 2 horsepower that I woke up late at night to switch off the fan. Hmm.. I just wore a short pant and a T-shirt to sleep.
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So, about 7 am ++, these 3 fellas except MF went to jog around the area while others still sleeping. Are we okay? We are trying to heat up our body but the freezing leg remains cool. Do you see the hut in the 3rd pic? It is the place where some of the committee members slept to guard US at the night time. Pity them and good job for them although I do not think it is neccessary. The display pic a bit corrupted due to few attempts to decrease the size of the pic causing the pic lost the resolution.
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So, we waited quite long for our breakfast. The first thing is to grab a glass of hot milo. Then, we have a plate of fried rice and a plate of fried mee for our breakfast. Do you think they are enough for this bunch of old seniors who has high BMR? We refill until the canteen staff said 'Ini plate terakhir ya, lepas ini sudah tiada'
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So, we started the day with the Telematch Games.
L- This is the first station. Each groups is required to make themselves in a line and we are given a glass of water for us to pour some into our mouths and transfer messages while the water is still contained inside. Example is 'She sell seashell at seashore'. My group lost in this match, 1-2 and guess what the game coordinator said we have to complete 12 messages. Sot de! Forgot to mention, should we lose, we need to eat the biscuits given a choice with sugar or without as punishment. R- The second station. The first game is to blindfolded ourselves and we have to search & gather our members. So, we think of some strategy such as writing X and O on the palm to verify our identity and stamping on the floor. My group did it quite fast and the loser group needed to do pumping as punishment as in the top right pic. Then, we have the second game which we are given a 1.5 L bottle and a 600 ml bottle. We are required to make transfer until we manage to get 400 ml. We did it fast also but surprisingly the final transfer exceeded 400ml. After some discussion with Chon Hong on how we make the tranfer, he finally declared us as winner. Before I left, I asked him to change the bottle...haha. Well, it is very common to have bottle stated at some amount but the actual one does not mean to be as stated one. The bottle given is not the typical type so I suspect the capacity might be different.
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Third station - I would say it is an interesting game even though my group lost the match. We are given a pipe with holes everywhere. It is an disadvantage for us since we have only 7 members. We need to cover the holes using our finger and Jason is the one who ran far far away to get a pale of water before Zhi Wei poured the water into it. Hmm.. the process of doing it is fun as your hand will be numb for placing too long on the pipe and you will see the water leaking out all the time while waiting for the 'delivery' of the water plus some screaming I guess from Yuen Si.. hey..hey leak.. hey there leak.. hey your finger close this hole.. Hahaha we lost in this match but JY group did not want any punishment for us.. thanx so much.. because we all already wet, so what the point punish us using water?
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However, we can't move to the next stop as we are required to wait for 10 minutes. So, I make the challenge to Joshua to prove his words saying that 6 persons can finish the task. Forgot to mention that we need to fill in water into the pipe until a plastic bag contained at the bottom float on the top of the pipe. And after some persuasion, they agreed plus the rests also wanted to have another round of playing. So, my group and JY group team up to fight against the committee group. I managed to grab Han Boon, Joshua, It Seang, Poh Xuan, Shueenie, Ying Jun and Felicia to make the 6 given with addition one more person. Haha..of course we won having so many people.. It good to see them to show the spirit in joining us in the game.. Well, come on... it holidays and we shall enjoy it together not only for the participants..Bravo to the committtee members!!
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The forth station - most memorable station guarded by Felicia and Poh Xuan. This game actually looks very simple but out of expectations, many get small injury here. Haha.. thanx to?? We are required to crawl according to the line made using flour towards an end with a plate of flour as well with some papers written with numbers. After that, we need to grab the piece of paper using our mouth towards another end with 3 pales of flour and water mixture with coins on the bottom. We are then required to take the coins according to the number written on the paper. Since we lack a member, we grabbed Kelvin to join us as well. During the crawling, our two coordinators will disperse the flour on our back. So, you know it is a game.. and we are too enthusiated to play the game..we crawl quite fast until we only noticed there is pain on our knee due to abrasion with the rough surface of the ground. My group did well in terms of number of successful runs but lost due to no strategy. We did not know that we need to sum up the coins we get in term of the values. So we have a lot of 1 cents coin while the opponent has many 20 and 50 cents. Bottom right: Si Yuan Si..she painted my face using the flour and water mixture. There should be a punishment in this game. So, JY distributed a packet of flour to all of us including my group and after that we started to attack Felicia and Poh Xuan with the flour. Haha.. not bad both of them still looking happy.. and again good thing they are enjoying it as well.
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The fifth station- another interesting game. Here, we need to have one person to act according to the words given at location bottom pic left. Then, others members standing at location top pic left need to guess what is the word. After correct guess, the former person need to jump or walk in the swimming pool to find bottles containing the word. I enjoying playing this game and my group did this task quite fast as well. At the end of the game, all of us are required to be in the swimming pool to collect at the bottles floating in the pool. Not only both of our groups but including others as well. So, what's more when so many ppl in the pool than splashing water to each other. We did this job quite well and we even splashed towards the coordinator for this game, Ying Jun and Shuennie. (oops my camera is with YJ) Then, out of sudden, Han Boon and some others are being thrown into the pool and become the target/food to the whales/all of us. Although he had damaged his spectacles in this incidenct, he showed high level of 'profesionalism' in dealing with it. He accepted the lost and yet still show his good spirit. Very sorry to hear that and well done for your great sportmanship. The bottom right: Our lunch
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After the lunch, we have the obstacles courses. (total 11 obstacles) Before that, we have a warm up session. Bottom right: It is so funny to see Meng Fai doing the exercise and this Moto-moto will jump from his location to nearby me to attack me who is laughing non stop..and so do now. I should have take a video~
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The first course is climbing over the wall. Top left: We have Mr Joshua as the instructor to teach us the steps. Even MF has managed to climb over...GOOD JOB!! The are two walls with different heights in which the lower is for all while the higher is for the daring XY genes. Out of expectations, Ms Terrina Lim of Y1 showed out her bravery to climb both walls easily and gracefully. GOOD JOB TO YOU TOO!
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And this is my group. A fact that all should know which is all my members except Min Lu climbed over both walls including the gals. Top left: Sigh.. ours and JY group are the last 2 groups so we need to wait for the pioneer 4 groups to finish their tasks before our turn. Middle left pic: The group 5 and 6
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The second obstacles: spider web. A rather easy one compared to previous year camp in which the superman return episodes that shocked every1.
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The forth: Passing through the tyre. Here we need a team work in which we need to carry our friend passing through the tyre while some on the other side have to ensure good landing.
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The fifth: Climbing using the net to the opposite side. I like this game although it is rather easy to climb over using the net set at great height.
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The sixth: Walking on the wire together while holding your friend's hands. You need to trust in your friend as well as learn how to balance yourself.
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The 7th: dunno how to describe. In this game, we need to use our legs to support or hang our body on the two ropes while we need to use our hands to pull the whole body to the front. A rather tiring task and many gals find difficulty in this task but the great thing is all of them managed to complete the course. Good job!
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The 8th: crossing to another place by walking on the rope and 9th: crawling over another place by putting our hands on the edge of both sides & just walk to the front while bending down your body. I find that the 9th obstacles a rather 'no point'.
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10th: The hardest obstacle. Here we need to swing like a monkey and uses the strength our our hands to hold tight the upper rope and to swing to grab another rope. Most got some slight bruises here. The most beautiful one so far that I had seen is Ying Jun who did it very easily and gracefully. When we guys tried, is so hard. Bravo to her~
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The 11th/final: The easiest..which is to walk on a lodge which can rotates at about 45 degree to left or right. Well, we have completed all the obstacles courses!!
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Wow.. it is the luxurious bbq dinnner. They charged us rm 8/9 per pax and we had our wonderful meals in all 3 days. The best is the bbq chicken~ It makes me eat till have the overload symptoms. By rite, it is ok but then the stupid cili padi that agitate my tongue and required me to drink 2.5 glass of lychee drink. Thus, making me super full with my plate is still full of food.
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Next, we headed to the Dewan Bentong for our next event. While waiting, we took this opportunity to take photos. After some checking of 'any1 missing' and 'any injury', we move to the camp fire site.
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Kelvin is the person in charge for the camp fire. Well arranged committee in which each member is given responsibility for different tasks. I hate those who take all meaning no point of having a team if only some ONE is taking all the job. Top left: The white clothing covering the perimeter of the camp fire is written with some messages from the committee members. Middle right: Xiao You is so happy to see the camp fire. Bottom right: Alvin, the Olympic torch bearer to light up the camp fire. Few things to comments that are we should utilized the camp fire eg. sing at the camp site or walk around the camp site, ask the participants to have closer view to the message written and do some activities related. It is such a waste that after the camp fire is torched up, we then moved for the following games and leaved the camp fire unattended.
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The eager participants waiting the camp fire to be torched.
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The next game is quite interesting. We have to go to 6 different stations. At each station, we are required to guess the thing inside the biscuit tin using our hand to touch on the objects. Don't have much pictures here as I am the participants and need to run here and there. The things are death earthworm with the unbearable smell, mixture of flour and water, halls sweet, gals socks, bla and bla. Top right: the loser team which are doing a singing performance as the punishment. Bottom right: Aiks.. This is NOT a part of the activities or games. It is solely due to person..haha.. the committee members bear no responsibility of this. Aiks..gone with the smooth and shiny legs...ahemm
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Next, is the modeling games. I have take out all the 'horny' pictures and I guess the one displayed here need not screening. A junior has responded that we, the seniors bullied the juniors to take part in all the games. Well, if you guys notice, we purposely do so and all the leader of each groups is Y1 juniors. We want to train you guys to become the next leader in our UCSIPSS. Like in my group, I always let and push the juniors to have their say before me. I do not know other seniors did the same or not. In this modeling, we are fully entertained by the top two contestants who show high level of professionalism in their modeling skills. I guess it is hard to forget how u guys 'entertained' all of us. I would say good job and hope you guys wont be addicted too much on it. Hahahaha..... Ying Jun, are you okay?
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The group 4 is the winner and they are asked to choose a group for punishment. Huh? What is the logic behind and they choose my group..huh what things we had done wrongly to them? We have no affiliation with this group. And they made a sarcastic request to ask the guys to do pole dance. OMG.. we are the real men and they asked us do pole dance? We strongly denied that and this is backed by the others y1 juniors guys as well who seem agitated by that. So, instead of that, Jason volunteered himself to play a song titled Final Fantasy using a guitar. After the performance, we move on to Limbo rock. It is a must game and it is always Tomas who will be the champion! Congrats! Tomas can perfectly bend his body in a smooth curve..bravo~ Thats the end of the game. So, we moved back to our chalet and I bathed at that time which was about 12 am ++. Then, we played chor tai dee or big 2 till 1 am++ before we go sleep (not bed remember). Erm.. guess what..I woke up at about 430 am and pressed my watch's light to know that I actually did sleep. What a good discovery..I am not having a good sleep since the holidays started. Nitez...


  1. ei, Kwong Fei, i didnt say i'm enjoying n addicted to the modeling game wor....mayb u r the one who enjoy that but u ke si ke si...haha....but i'm really enjoy the part when Jason play the guitar. haha....

  2. apa la.. dun und the language..
    'r u okay' is refering r u okay after the show la..
    btw, u want jason number? hahahaha

  3. like u lo...i'm not really und th e' internet language' /'KF language' .XD....
    em....he is too young for me la....u know la...i'm 'aunty' d, i prefer 'uncle'...wahaha...entau uncle XD

  4. hahaa..
    u admit u r auntie ar..
    ok time call u auntie~
    uncle ar.. u wan find which uncle??
    i help u la..

  5. hm...i din admit u also will treat me as aunty la~~
    em....i wan find~ no need very entau, at least i feel entau, very intelligent, caring, nice to me..........hahahahahahahaha.....go where find wor ?????
    cincai cincai one uncle can d la....XD

  6. my year lor..
    guaranteed satisfy ur need~

  7. haha....ur year all uncle lor??? but i least better than my year's uncle( sorry to my classmate)
    who u recommend???
    ei, ur blog very ma huan la...evytime have to type the 'word verification'

  8. Hahahahaa
    i thought u have before..hmm
    case sensitive..*closed
    WEI, every blog when u comment also need verification la..

  9. Looks like you had a very successful team building event. Team building activities are important to enhance employee working skills as well as their relationship skills. It's also a good break from all the stress in work. We had a great experience with Ripe Stuff. They were able to help us with our communication skills as well as conflict resolution.

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