Monday, October 13, 2008

Datuk Shah Rukh Khan.. the most ridiculous thing of 2008

Bravo.. when i heard about this news few days ago.. i clapped to myself.. i am certified to live in a place known as 'bodohland'. What's the logical behind the conferment of Datukship to Shah Rukh Khan??
Lets take a glimpse to the news by the Star.
MALACCA: The conferment of Datukship on Bollywood heartthrob Shah Rukh Khan has stirred up a controversy. Politicians, professionals and the man on the street are hotly questioning the wisdom of the move. Some commented that the actor did not deserve the award as “he hardly knows where Malacca is” and asked whether he had promoted Malacca in his songs and movies. SMSes received by The Star also hit out at the move, saying such awards should be given to local artistes. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said the decision to confer the title on the actor was suggested to Yang di-Pertua Negri Tun Mohd Khalil Yaakob by former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin recently. Daim said it was a means to promote Malacca and the actor had shot a movie scene here several years ago.
The movie One 2 ka 4 was shot at the A Famosa Resort in Alor Gajah in 2001. “This resulted in many people visiting Malacca. The award was given in recognition of this,” Mohd Ali said after the investiture ceremony in conjunction with Khalil’s 70th birthday celebrations. Shah Rukh Khan was given the Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM) which carries the title Datuk. Scores of fans gathered at the Dewan Seri where the investiture cere­­mony was held yesterday to catch a glimpse of the actor. He, however, did not attend the ceremony. Mohd Ali said Daim was making arrangements to bring the actor here to receive the award in a special ceremony. Businesswoman Fatimah Tahir, a huge fan of the star, said she was stunned to hear that he had received a Datukship. “I thought the award is given to those who have contributed towards Malacca’s development. “I wonder whether Shah Rukh Khan even knows where Malacca is,” said the 40-year-old from Taman Melaka Raya. Lawyer Nizam Bashir from Ujong Pasir here also questioned the decision to award Shah Rukh Khan as he had not seen the actor promoting Malacca in his songs or movies. “I am happy for him but does he even know he is getting the award?” said Nizam, 35, adding that it would be more meaningful if deserving local artistes were given recognition. The local artistes who received the Darjah Seri Melaka (DSM) award, which does not carry any title, were singer Goh Eng Boon, popularly known as Andre Goh, comedian Jantan Osman also known as Ali Mamak and 60s singer Mariam Ahmad.
DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said he was not against deserving people being awarded the Datukship but priority should be given to local artistes. He noted that if Shah Rukh Khan deserved the award, then so should Hollywood stars Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones who shot the movie Entrapment against the backdrop of the Twin Towers in 1999.
Ridiculous.. I didn't know that our datukship is so cheap that can be given to any1.. Well, lets look to the previous history. No doubt that he is not the FIRST one to film in Malaysia particularly Malacca. Furthermore, the decision of venue is not made by HIM is the PRODUCER who make the decision..So, why not give the title to the producer instead? Giving datukship to him does not promote Malaysia at all. It will lower our country image as cheap country. Never heard of such way to boost tourism by giving datukship.
In addition, he did not even attend to the official ceremony. Who is bigger status now? The King or Shah Rukh Khan? Want to do a special ceremony just for him? So that the international press can come?? That's is the idea of people who did not study marketing!! Tarnishing the country' images. I doubt he will attend to receive the datukship voluntary. Come on, do you think he is so stupid to take flight to Malaysia spent lets say few hours to receive the awards and go back to India? What can he do with the datukship? Eat? Living? Fame? I predicted that the those who may concern who may want him to attend the function will be giving him some 'remunerations' before he agreed to come. I think he can also think logically.
Personally, I do watch his movie .. those screened in tv3.. Ok la.. still can understand through the subtitle. Having the conferment of datukship is definitely NO and unacceptable to me. Not sure how bout you guys out there. Do you wish to have a Datuk who don't even know Malaysia history? don't even know Malacca? do even contribute a single thing to the country? Well, the increase in no. of visitors is CLAIMED by the people concern. Let me ask you a simple question. How can you measure that due to him the no. of visitors increase? Show me the facts.
Do you guys rmb Anna and the King by Chow Yun Fat and Jodie Foster. Well, the filming take place in Penang. I also can say since then a lot of ppl go Penang and even attracted me to go there. So, the next awards will go to him? This is just a simple example. Many international actors or actresses have done so.
Come on la.. my country. What Australia condemned Malaysia is quite true. Malaysia is good at promoting this and that but reality wise there is no quality just mere talk. Just see the Ferris Wheel at Titiwangsa.. i personally object to this construction as i think it is cheating the tourists money. A place of interests must be a permanent structure .. it cannot be like you build it for temporary ..gained some profit from the cheating and then relocate to another state and start the wheel of cheating again! I found nothing at Titiwangsa .. those live there should know that place is nothing there.. if you went there be4, the surroundings are placed with colourful board with place of interests in Malaysia. This is so fake~
Can we object the conferment? If it is the will of the King , definitely no comment..we must abide. But if it is the will for some quarters who ran out of idea and give rubbish idea, we shall not do so..

1 comment:

  1. sometimes some people don't even know how stupid they can be...
