Saturday, September 6, 2008

Message to Tun Mahathir- Why Malay leaders should apologise? Becoz they did WRONG

Well, this is the first time I do not agree with you, TUN! Btw, I can’t resist to blog this even though I planned to do so after exam. It is too ridiculous. The issue has become very serious. Quote from your blog. 3. Malang bagi TPM dan Kerajaan Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi setelah memohon maaf secara terbuka permohonan maaf daripada pemimpin tertinggi Umno ditolak oleh pemimpin-pemimpin kaum berkenaan. Mereka menuntut supaya orang yang perkatakan perkataan yang dilabel "racist" sendiri memohon maaf. 4. Satu lagi peristiwa yang memalukan ialah apabila Kerajaan hantar seorang Menteri untuk minta maaf daripada Kerajaan Cina kerana kononnya wanita rakyat negara Cina telah ditelanjang oleh polis dan ini direkod dalam video. 5. Kemudian didapati wanita itu bukan rakyat negara Cina dan bukan pun Cina Malaysia. Dia adalah seorang perempuan Melayu. 6. Sebaliknya, apabila orang yang bukan Melayu mengeluar perkataan atau catitan yang boleh ditafsir sebagai racist, orang Melayu tidak pernah tuntut supaya pihak berkuasa memohon maaf. Since when a BN component leader particularly MCA or MIC has made any of such remarks? Give me ONE example. That will be enough. Here we need to differentiate btw the Government and the people. The government namely BN represents the multiethnic society in which they have to protects the rights of each and every one of the people. Do not compare with the normal people. Normal people irrespective of race made good as well as bad remarks. You may see YB Lim Kit Siang slamming the Government maybe let’s say the quota for entry to Public Universities or issues of opening the entry of MRSM to non Bumiputera. His remarks represent the Oppositions and it this is his agenda as opposition to slam whatever the Government that seems not to protect the rights of non- Bumiputera. Besides, just open any forum populated with most Malays. You can see that there will be many posts which discussing the rights of Malays and calling the non-Bumiputeras or ‘immigrants’ as they labeled to migrate out from Malaysia. THEY are all racist, but who are they? They are not the government. They have no responsibility to protect the rights of every citizen irrespective of their background. But, the GOVERNMENT has the responsibility to do so. If the BN that formed the CURRRENT government made such remarks, definitely 16 September or ‘date of change of Government’ will be realized. 7. Dalam Memo Hindraf ke Perdana Menteri UK banyak perkataan yang terlampau dan racist terdapat didalamnya. Contoh: a) Kerajaan dikatakan dibantu oleh "Islamic Extremist violent armed terrorists" (orang Melayu) b) Mereka berkata Kerajaan Malaysia melakukan "Ethnic Cleansing" iaitu Kerajaan sedang membunuh dan menghapuskan orang Tamil. c) 100 orang keturunan India "ditetak dan dibunuh oleh Kerajaan yang dikuasai oleh UMNO." Perbuatan ini kononnya adalah "mini genocide" (pembunuhan beramai-ramai mini) d) Tiap tiga minggu kuil Hindu diroboh. e) Kerajaan yang kononnya dikuasai oleh UMNO telah lancar serangan bersenjata dengan 600 anggota polis, polis simpanan, pelampau Islam dan pengganas (terrorist) bersenjata (orang Melayu). f) Pegawai Bandaraya dan Polis dikatakan membaling batu dan menyerang orang Hindu dengan pisau, kayu dan batang besi. Kononya 20 orang Hindu mengalami cedera parah.8. Tulisan dalam memo Hindraf ini bukan sahaja racist tetapi juga "seditious" (hasutan). Excuse me. Who is HINDRAF? They are just newly formed party which demand for nonsense. RM I billion for each or every family from Queen Elizabeth? They know their demand is over the limit, but they are professional, I mean the leaders. They do so just want to attract the Government to take plight of the Indian issues which seem not protected by MIC. Between, HINDRAF is not a component party of the Government. So, they are free to say anything. If they seem to make too racist statement, the law will take them into right place. Tun, you mentioned why their leaders did not say sorry? Wait, their leaders already in jailed detained under ISA. How should they say sorry? Besides, you want MIC leaders like Samy Vellu to apologise? Why should him? He is the party leader of an Indian party joined by MAJORITY of Indians at that time. His party ideologies are in line with the Barisan and Government ideologies. So, HIDNRAF words/remarks are their personal remarks but not representing the whole INDIANS in Malaysia. Why should any Government Indians leader to apologise? They make no mistake. 9. Seorang penuntut universiti Wee Meng Chee telah perlekehkan Negaraku dengan mengguna lagu Negaraku tetapi dengan lirik yang mempermainkan sembahyang dan azan orang Melayu (Islam). Azan dijadikan duet lagu cinta. 10. Apakah mereka dikehendaki memohon maaf? Apakah pemimpin mereka dikehendaki memohon maaf? Jauh sekali. Sebenarnya Wee dipertahan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin parti Cina dan anggota Hindraf dibebaskan daripada tahanan dan ada yang dengan bebasnya bertanding dalam pilihanraya dan menang menjadi wakil rakyat. Hold on. Again this is a personal remark by the people. PERSONAL not GOVERNMENT. Wee actions may be wrong or indeed a bit over. But, why Chinese leaders need to apologise? They did not ask Wee to do so? It is Wee who felt the current political scenario in Malaysia that do not take the issues of non-Bumiputera rights into consideration. Dipertahankan?? Protected by Chinese leaders? Let’s get clear of the issue. He is a young man and a student. Others demand for his citizenship to be pulled out. If this happened, where shall he go? No citizenship, no IC means stay in the Taiwan’s jail? We know he his wrong. What MCA leaders had done is to prevent him from being punished under Malaysia Law that maybe sacked him into the jail for years. But, they do want to destroy the future of a young man. It is not issue of races. If this happens in Malays, surely UMNO will do so, it not PAS definitely will. What’s wrong with the Chinese leaders preventing the future of a young man who had made a mistake to be destroyed? Why the Chinese leaders need to apologise? 11. Mereka menuntut supaya tidak ada diskriminasi oleh Kerajaan. Tetapi nampaknya mereka bukan sahaja bebas malah mendapat kehormatan dengan dipanggil "Yang Berhormat" setelah berkata perkataan yang amat keterlaluan bahkan merupa hasutan. 12. Soalnya kenapakah Kerajaan berat sebelah, menyembunyi kata-kata racist Hindraf tetapi melapur dengan meluas apa yang dikatakan oleh pemimpin Melayu. Kenapakah Menteri keturunan India atau ketua-ketua kaum India tidak dikehendaki memohon maaf? Why do the Indian leaders need to do so? HINDRAF does not represent the majority of Indians in the country. This is an isolated group with their own opinions. PAS has banned the bars and pubs from operating. Males and females need to be separated in cinema or at public gathering like concert. The Chinese or Indians in Kelantan voted for BN to give back their freedom as achieved by other states. Did UMNO say sorry for the non-Bumiputera in Kelantan and now Kedah for the limitation to their basic rights? PAS had recently make protest over Avril Lavigne concert in Selangor. This is said to protect the ‘kesucian’ of Independence Day. Did UMNO say sorry of Selangor citizen who want freedom for entertainment? PAS has banned the wearing of so called exposed lothing in the public area as in Kelantan. Did UMNO say sorry to the non-Malays? 13. Sesungguhnya keadaan hubungan antara kaum bukan lebih baik hasil PRU 2008, tetapi ia menjadi amat buruk. Mungkin saya dituduh sebagai menyumbang kepada keadaan melalui tulisan saya. Tetapi pada saya amatlah tidak adil jika satu pihak dapat kebebasan sedangkan pihak yang ditohmah tidak boleh buka mulut. The relationship btw the races are definitely getting better. They share common objectives and goals which is NO to a corrupted and a WEAK government. It is some quarter of people now who are ‘mengapi-apikan isu perkauman’. You know who are them. They lost in rakyat confidence so the need a change in their agenda to win back the people minds. Recent happenings. Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak made an apology on behalf of Umno over a racist statement by Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail. - One thing to comment. OMG. Such remarks are made in front of DPM. What a shame! Did DPM scold or at least warned him? Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi said he did not intend to make such remarks. PM said he will contact him but even he cannot do so. “I will tell him not to do it again. You know in a campaign all sorts of things can come up. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to use it again,” the Prime Minister said after chairing the Bertam Umno division meeting. - Whenever there is a problem, he sure said it’s okay. No worry. Datuk Ahmad Ismail. Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail has refused to apologise over his racist remark calling the Chinese community “immigrants who do not deserve equal rights”. “Why should I apologise? I didn’t do anything wrong. Those who do wrong should apologise but I haven’t done anything. - Just admit you are WRONG & APOLOGISE! Is it a new agenda by UMNO? Previous happening. Dato Seri Hishamuddin on his kissing to keris. People already dislike the move but yet he continued year by year. That’s why he is condemned. He represented UMNO and BN, the Government. Thus, it is his responsibility to uphold the rights of every community and be sensitive to such issue. He made a public apology but from the official statement he released, it does not seem like he is apologising but it is forced to. He initially also denied to give apology. Now, that’s the best exmaple of UMNO leaders who can simply do what they ;like and get absolutely NO punishment except a warning from PM. ‘ lain kali, jangan buat ar’. Anyway, WE still love YOU. Just that I did not agree with you on this issue. Thanks for your contributions to the COUNTRY. The racist man!

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