Sunday, September 14, 2008

McD day!~

So, as mentioned in earlier posts, Group 1 and Group 2 had won themselves McD RM 100 voucher. On the next day, we went to McD together to cash out the vouchers. But, before that, let's began with our very first Saturday class of Ms. Manjulaara. Again, since out last meeting in previous semester, she regained her title as Ms Late and Ms No Reason Given. The title tells everything. She was late for 20 ++ minutes, entered into the class and asked the assistant class rep to look for cable while she wasn't seem to bring her laptop.
After that, she argued to us w/o telling us the reason for being late. According to the timetable pasted on the notice board, the teaching hours should be only 3 which is from 9-12 pm. She then argues to us that it was actually 4 hours. the conversation was like..
Man : How long? 4 hours rite? Us : No, only 3 hours. Man : No, FOUR! Us : 3 ... in a lower tone Man : 4 la.. constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcer + tutorial. You all dont want tutorial is it? Us : Keep quiet. Man : If you dont want, no problem wan.
Next, she prompted us about the number of ppl in the class. A bit sensitive, so not going to discuss here. Then, the class started class as usual... her style of teaching didnt changed. But, I was so lucky to be called several times in the class. Yo, find another target LA!
After the class which was 1 am, we headed to McD when most of the people were alrdy there. I ordered spicy chicken deluxe..yummy! But, I was quite full even be4 i ate probably due to yesterday night. hahahaha
Overall, nice gathering although I do not know most of them or even those who sat beside me.
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The McD retreat!

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