Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Birthday celebrations + gathering, Sunday, 3 August 2008

At last we were able to hold a mass birthday celebration. Previously, the plan was delayed as some of us had their own busy schedule. It just not easy to gather every1 but glad finally we did it. So, out of so many ideas from sushi to this and that, we finally chose this Lao Ma Zi Steamboat Buffet at Puchong.
Due to limited budget, they bought us (the 5 birthday guys and gals) Big Apple Donuts..Yummy~
L- The small present was given by the owner of the restaurant. He asked us whose birthday fall on that day but actually none of us. So, Joanne pointed Alvin. Minutes later, he came to us with this present and presented to Alvin. It was a pink crystal for display. R- Those candles were sponsored by the kiddy Lee Xiao You. It was a nice one.
The Birthday Guys and Gals...
Yen Moi - 1th June
Alvin - 6th June
Chui Wei - 15th June
ME - 4th July (controversial 1989)
Wei Ling - 6th July
The complete family~ The CASIO watch which costs RM 2xx.xx. Thank you very much my dear friends. It was my very first branded watch. I like it very much. But, i need to add 2 more years becoming 21 y.o. liao... (due to limited budget again, i need to pay half of its price) After the dinner, we went up to the hill nearby for a wind-eating session.
Due to the event had passed long time ago, I decided not to elaborate much but just putting the photos. FYI, i just get the pictures on 20th of July 2008.

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