Tuesday, July 8, 2008

UCSIPSS Fund Raising cum Charity Drive, 7 and 8 July 2008

I woke up as early as 5.30 am and then went to M Fai house at 6 am. We need to do sandwiches for later fund raising. I did not wake Joanne coz wanted her to sleep longer as the prelimianry jobs required less people. With 2 spoons, I press hard to the boiled eggs to make it into small pieces. Meanwhile, M Fai was in charged in taking out the contents of the eggs and boiled them. We need the egg shells for handicraft. For each 10 eggs, we need to make 2 loafs of breads. Later on, Joanne came up and followed by jee yang to help us. At about 7.45, i got msyelf changed with formal wear as i need to visit PharmaNiaga for my attachment. At that point of time, I was still hoping Christine can reach back condo in time so that she can joined us. Unfortunately, she couldn't do so. So, I left the rests doing the sandwiches at about 8.05 am expecting I can go straight to get my car. Unfortunately too, my pair of stocking which was put inside a plastic beg together with my previously changed clothes alrdy brought down by Joanne. Argg..was rushing as I promised Alvin 8.15 am at p2. Luckily, managed to get my car in time while Alvin still waiting his lift. Together with Yen moi and Boon Jin, we went to out previous attachment company, Natural Wellness to fetch ms Lee yen, the QC. She then showed us the way to PharmaNiaga which was located at Bangi. The worst thing was dat day, the traffic in Kl was heavily jammed. We suspected it may be due to the closure of road by the police a day ago in conjunction with the protest from the public on rising fuel price. Plus, as we listended to the radio, more and more car accident happened around Kl. There was a car accident at Bandar Tun Razak near the LRT station as well. The journey to Bangi which Ms lee Yen told us was normally less tahn 30 minutes. We had an appointment with pharmaNiaga where we supposed to reach thr by 9,15 am. Unfortunately, at that time, we were still in the jam and only passed the Rm 0.50 toll on the road towards Mid Valley. Luckily, my car was auto car where i need not to change the gears. As we were in rush, I speed after we got rid form the traffic jam at about 100-110 km/h. We managed to be in the boardroom of pharmaniaga at sharp 10 am.. which was supposed to be tea break according to the schedule. Since we were late, there is no refreshment for us bt only a bottle of water. We started the programme with the briefing by Mr Jamal, the senior general manager of pharmaniaga. They treated us as we were their customer. This was indeed a nice experience. Then, we were brought to a tour around Pharmaniaga. First to the QC and admin department then later to the production line. The place was huge and definitelty more systematic than Natural wellness. At the production line, there was nothing diffrent from natural wellness except all the machines used were bigger in size and the space thr was bigger. Thats really dissapointing to us! We actually hope to see some differences in a big scale company and if possible try on hand something. At about 12 pm, we finished our journey and headed abck to Cheras. On the way back, my car speed was 100-110 km/h constant all the time. It was the first time i drove so relax without looking to the petrol content level. This was because I get paid back for the petrol rm 0.40 for each kilometre. The journey to and back form Natural wellnees took exactly 47 km. So, i get back RM 18.80 for the petrol money. The journey back was so smooth that we can reach back to cheras in less than 30 minutes comparable to my 90 minutes drive in the jam ealier in the morning. I reached the uni lobby at around 12.50 pm after parking my car at the HILL. Some of the committee member had alrdy went out for lunch. I started the fund raising activity by asking the kind donation from the people in UCSI. Earlier in the day while i was in my visit to pharmaniaga, the committe members alrdy came to uni and set up everything before commencing our fund raising at 10 am. Joanne had her dancing training with some of the members at that time too. The responses from the lecturers were overwhelming and unexpected. We managed to collect a big sum of donation from our supportive lecturers. Tq to all lecturers especially the big donors Dr Nala, Mr Jony, Mr Lokesh and Ms Wong Pei Nee. Whereas, the collection from the public was not bad reaching amount slightly higher than the donation form the lecturers. the sales of sandwiches was slow.. managed to sell only 28 packets at rm 2 by 3.30 pm. Then , we decided to do promotion ' Buy 1 Free 1' in order to sell off all the sandwiches. It really worked but of coz a lot of hard work need to be done to persuade to public to purchase. Towards the end of the day reaching 4 pm ++, we shouted, begging and persuading the public to buy the sandwiches. At last by 4.30 pm, ALL the sandwiches was sold off.. GREAT job to every 1!~~ Moving on to the second day, we started as early as 9.30 am. It was the orientation day for new juniors also. So, Me, M Fai, Jee Yang, Tomas and Alvin were involved. The counter was handled by Vun, Michael, Joanne, Wee Ling, Cindy and Jasmine. By 12 pm, Joanne and Wee Ling left and the counter was left with not enuff of people. I had no choice to go down to take care of the counter and doing the donation drive. Vun alrdy kept asking the rests to come down to help at the counter. Luckily, to his own will, Wei Yau helped in doing the donation drive where he went to a place far from the counter towards the doors near to the UCSI gifts shop. TQ very much.. u really helped a lot. As for the second day, we only do the donation collection and nt selling of sandwiches. To my surprise, the donation from the public was more than the first day. I myself encountered a lot of generous people who donated rm 5 and rm 10. It was really a great day as we hit the target set earlier for the day. We ended the event at 3.45 pm. Overall, we managed to reach our total target and far beyond that figure. It was a great success!The kids in PDK Selayang will definitely get a bigger presents and bigger celebration for them. TQ to all my comittee members as well as other friends who helped us during the fund raising. Thousand thanks from me :)
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