Monday, July 7, 2008

3rd July 2008-It's me in the newspaper....

Well. it was totally unexpected that my picture was in the newspaper. On dat day, I was sleeping till very late at about 12 pm.. My mom called me as early as 9 am saying bout me in the newspaper.. I thought it would be the Public Health Campaign picture..
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This was from Sin Chew newspaper..
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This was from China Press newspaper..
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting And finally this coloured and largest picture was from Guang Ming Daily newspaper...
Seriously, I had no idea on wat the newspapers were trying to deliver...until i asked my fren.. It was actually promitng the UNI and the course as well..Good present for me on the eve of my brithday!~ Thanx to who whom may concern... hahahahaha.. :)

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