Saturday, May 3, 2008

Xiao You and Jee Yang Birthday Celebration 1/5/2008

Today was the double birthday celebration for XiaO YoU and Jee YAnG ~Xiao Yiou was on 1st May while Jyang was on 3rd may..v couldnt celebrate individually as it would be very costly to us..of coz it would be better to have it individually on our very own birthday day itself.. will try nsxt year~

It was the first time i make red eggs for my friends.. Nt one but two... My first time was given to them..

Initially, was planning to go Nairees.. But the condition in Ampang outlet was too packed and unfavorable for them. So, v decided to go for Korean food! Cb suggested us to go

Here is the main entrance~

The menu boards.. None of us wat it written...

Gals..say cheeSE~~

Both of them opening their presents..

Joanne gave Jyang a small present which was a hair wax.. and asked him top gel his hair everyday~~ It was to make him suspend with a small gift first..

XiaO YoU with her preSents~~

Joanne searching the SEED catagoloe.. while Xiao YoU taking photos with the birthday card~
Thanx boss for helping us to take the group photos~

Jyang being presented with his present~

This was the so called' side dishes' that given to us.. got hotdog, kimchi, vege, long bean, brinjal and so on..
The squid rice.. big portion of squid more than the rice..comparable to in reverse by normal restaurant..of coz the price differs toO

M fai ordered the beef sumthing..while cB ordered de so called vege rojak?? Leave comment if u rmb the name..Thanx
Dunno wat i odered.. Soy soup?? It more looks like seafood soup with crab cooked very well till the shell was so soft that can be crunched..
"Very spicy ar'..dis is wat Christine complained~
The pretties were enjoying their meal~
every1 was busy eatinG~

Out of sudden, dunno why they asked me to help style up jyang hair~ I myself need my sis to help me. hahahaha.. itq quite difficult to style his hair.. We went to the washroom and 'do' it there. he kept complaining PAIN and FINISH ke?? x patience at all~Any comment on the hair??

the smart Jyang having changed the new shirt with his hair styled~~Look dats m fai helping him to re-fine the hair..

1- Me and jyang
2- Jyang with the ladies

J yang searching inside his birthday bag~~ Looking it was the birthday card~

He is wondering wats the present was~ It was actually a formal shirt from the SEED.. good quality and choice of the executive wear~nice nice....

its time for xiao you with the guys~

1-The ladies with Mr Gentlemen..
The pretties~

The chubbies~

The Ms XiaO YoU, BirthDaY gal!
The mR GentLemen, birthday boy~!

The celebrities with non stop demand for pictures taking with them~! Meaning that i have to work non stop to snap the photos~

Pictur'ing with the Lady of The Day...with different angle compared to the rest~~

The Nice Mango Cake~~

1-I took dis pic without knowing it was quite nice having the plate slightly raised up..
2-The main part was the cake time..Ervy 1 was enjoying while forgetting they should bring a lighter along.. haha.. lucky i did bring~if not it will be 'no light' cake~

The birtHday personS sang together the biRthday song!~
WoW~ the workers were joining us tOO.. but they sang in Korean language~~ wat a great birthday for them..

Both of them were enjoying cutting the cake~~

Group PhotoS~haPPy HaPPy BiRthDaY to XiaO YoU & JeE YaNG~~

XiaO YoU asking for cake~old liao still kiddy to me...hahaha~

The thaM Chak XiaO YoU~ Me n Christine..

Jyang peeling off the egg..

Joanne took the paper container back claiming it was nice.. it was indeed~..

1-Open mouth big big...kwai~~, 2-Jyang & Xiao U posing like husband & wife

Well, dis is the second time i post this title as the earlier has gone due to internet errors (wasted my hours effort).. Thus, some photo selection may not be nice as the earlier ones due to the fatigueness.. Overall, a nice makan tripand a joyous celebration~

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