Sunday, August 31, 2008

HapPy 51st MerdeKa DaY!!

HaPpY merdeka DAy!!
We are celebrating our country's 51st birthday@@!! I didnt know that this year celebration is held at Dataran Merdeka. I only get to know when i went back for attachment and heard the loud noise from the Royal Army aircrafts doing training up in the sky which are meant for the mereka parade. It seem like no publicity or perhaps no one talk about it. Seem that the people are more interested on the upcoming 16 September whether there will be a shift in the government or nt.
Whats the theme for this year merdeka? It is still the same 'Keranamu Malaysia'? Each time i listen to the patriotic song, my spirit will boost up. I will try to sing along although i forget most of the lyrics. How about the Setapak High School bagpipe bands? I couldnt make myself available in the morning today to watch them. I think they should be involved as well. Hope the school band is becoming better and the school financial issue will not hold them from progressing further. Haiz... School politics.. I only get to watch YDPA and his Royal Army performing the 'istiadat keberangkatan pulang YDPA' after the parade. Wow.. YDPA is so fit and looked slim in the Army suit. Meanwhile, PM and DPM looked like His Highness bodyguards.
I really miss my secondary school time. During Form 4, me and my schoolmates are lucky to be selected to join the merdeka parade celebration. We are the first batch to have the 'pasukan 1000 kompang' where each of us (all students around Kl and Selangor) is given a kompang for the show. Uni life have nothing about unity btw races especially it is heavily populated by certain races.. but that is not our fault .. it is the government fault for nt providing equal chances for us to further our study in public U. So, whenever the government talk about unity, i always laughed at them. No point if we do this and that campaign if it does not hit to the bigger target group. Best example is the National Service. Whats the point of building the unity only among those selected to the NS only? How about those who are nt selected? Whats the point of Government feeding them everyday with up to 6 meals per day and claimed to instill unity when fights among diff races do occur in the camp?
Next week will be a busy week. Quizzes + Reports will take most of my time. Plus, the long awaited moment, the final judgement will also take place soon. Nothing much can say than hoping for the best~~Cant write more, need to do something which is more important~..sob sob

Thursday, August 28, 2008

DFD Final Lab

hAIZ..another rainy day.. predicted to be jam when i go back later..2day is quite tiring day. Again, it is DFD lab.. boring and takes time. Great that it is the final lab for the subjects@~
All pictures here are taken by Ah Mei using her hp. Thanks very much. As my hand is dirty with the sands and lactose, I didnt take any photos. The picture is sand flow properties detemination.
Determination of flow properties of powder
L-Mixture of lactose and sand, R-Lactose
Lactose flow properties determination
We measure the time taken by the substance to flow through orifices in different sizes (8, 10, 15 and 18 mm). Its all together 53 times if I did not calculate worngly.
After the tiring day, I have my very first self service soya bean drinks. The woman is busy packing tau foo fa for ah Mei and boon Jin. So, I make a request to do it by my own.
Special thanks: Cameraman Yen Moi.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Analysis of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim win in Permatang Pauh by-election.

Haha.. Many of my friends have asked me to give my comments on the by-election result yesterday. I couldn’t able to do so yesterday as the schedule for the day was packed. Furthermore, I spent a lot of time waiting for the official result announcement by the EC which finally announced about 10 pm (I watched live from NTV7). You all know Malaysia..if things are not declared officially yet, there might be something done to undo certain changes.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (KeADILan) : 31,195 undi
Hanafi Mamat (AKIM) : 92 undi
Datuk Arif Shah Omar Shah (BN) : 15,524 undi Jumlah mengundi : 47,258
Peratus keluar mengundi : 81
%Undi rosak : 447 undi
Majoriti : 15,671 undi
Penyandang : Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail (KeADILan)
Undi diperolehi 8 Mac 2008 : 30,348
Majoriti : 13,388 undi BN, Datuk Pirdaus Ismail : 16,950 undi Peratus keluar mengundi : 81.87 % Analysis of the by-election:
1. Most violated polls a) Two photographers who were on duty on nomination day were beaten up by a group of PKR supporters under the Butterworth-Kulim Expressway pedestrian bridge in Jalan Mengkuang.
ð PKR has the worst security guards records. b) The supporters broke into the Wanita Barisan Nasional operations room, threatened the voters and mobbed the vehicles used by Barisan leaders. c) Intruders broke into the hotel room of Wanita Umno information chief Datin Paduka Sharifah Noli Syed Hussein and stole two notebook computers containing important data. ð Anyone can do so. Maybe it just coincidence. d) The hostile behaviour of PKR supporters where they forced three tour buses to stop near the Butterworth-Kulim Expressway toll plaza at 2.45pm.
ð Thanks to Padang Serai MP N. Gobalakrishnan and his two sons who were arrested at the Seberang Jaya police station for allegedly blocking three buses from ferrying phantom voters. It was altogether 5 buses believed to be carrying the phantom voters. If they were not, why the buses and of course the passengers be detained? e) PKR supporters threw mineral water bottles at Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak when he visited the Jalan Semilang polling centre in Permatang Pauh ð It showed that the Malays no longer supports UMNO and Atlantuya case issue were not solved just by having ‘sumpah’ in the mosque and also the explanations given by Malaysia Ambassador to Mongolia during campaigning. 2. First time poll during weekdays. It is a clear attempt to reduce the number of voters. ð Thanks for CM Lim Guan Eng for declaring the election day as public holiday. 3. During Election Day, there was expected heavy rain and unexpected terrible traffic jams. The number of voters has reduced. ð However, the majority win had increased which signaled strong supports. 4. Most heavily funded. Chong Wei was brought back to Penang by Malaysian Royal Army Aircraft. 4 party components leaders from Sabah were being brought for campaigning. The presence was to explain that no MP will jump ship to Pakatan Rakyat. In addition, the ambassador to Mongolia also involved in the campaign. His presence was to deny the involvement of Datuk Seri Najib in Atlantuya case. ð How truth the involvement will be decided by the Court and the God. Not going to comment. One thing that attracted me as seen in TV3 news is the ambassador statement; ‘Atas kebijaksanaan saya dan Kerajaan Mongolia, kita telah berjaya menyembunyikan ibu dan ayah Atlantuya, PKR yang telah menghantar satu pasukan penyiasat adalah penipu kerana mengatakan mereka telah menemu ramah keluarga si mangsa’. - Wa..BijaknyA.. But the thing is why Atlantuya father made a press statement at PKR HQ regarding the twist and turn by Malaysia and the delay for the court case?
Analysis of the results:
1. Anwar won big majority bigger than what achieved by his dear wife. The number of voters has reduced but yet he managed to get higher majority. ð Supports for him had increased regardless of race as many believe he can become the next PM and can remove someone who should leave but remained to stay for unknown reasons. Perhaps, someone still does not accept the facts that the political tsunami is solely happened due to him. 2. BN candidate has gained lower number of votes. Even though his commands in --Hakka-- (should be hokkien) and Mandarin may be of advantage, it does not make significant effect as people wants a MP that can understand to their needs and to bring development to them. 3. The sodomy allegations on Anwar Ibrahim made no significant effect at all. ð People won’t believe to such allegation as it is considered ‘isu lapuk’. Allegations thrown by BN at this time and the statements by Saiful are indeed confusing and cannot be accepted. People also believe the PUSRAWI medical report is genuine. The change on statutory declaration by PI Subra is indeed questionable as he made changes within 24 hours and has since untraceable except the Government of Malaysia. 4. Permatang Pauh is majorly resided by Malays voters. Allegations that Anwar does not fight and protect the Malays are remained political allegations and people will not believe to such statement again. The Malays has generally supports for Ketuanan Rakyat. 5. The results shown that PKR, DAP and PAS can work together for common goals. They are on their way in forming the desired government by the Rakyat. ð Issue of PAS can’t work with DAP do not exist. They may have differences in perception of religion but other than that, the share the same visions that are to improve the quality of life of the Rakyat and to implement clear & transparent government but at the same time adopts the good morals as in Islam teaching but not towards forming an Islamic government. However, Islamic state can be practiced as in Kelantan and the current Kedah to be. 6. Results clearly showed the power of Rakyat. Rakyat choose their own PM and not as determined by political parties. Besides, it also shown that the fight for Ketuanan Melayu no longer is accepted by the people especially the Malays or being an issue jeopardized by certain political parties but the struggle now is for Ketuanan Rakyat. 7. Anwar make a comeback to Parliament after 10 years ‘long holidays’. Tun Mahathir comments: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim may have won the Permatang Pauh seat and claimed his stake in Parliament, but he would not be able to get 30 MPs to switch to the Opposition to form the government. "The people sent a message at the March 8 polls and again in the Permatang Pauh by-election. Leaders should sit up and take stock of this. They want changes and they want it quick. Not in June 2010.
Datuk Seri Najib comments: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s victory in the Permatang Pauh by-election shows that democracy is very much alive in the country. Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek comments: Barisan Nasional component parties should not feel upset over Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s win in Permatang Pauh. This was because Permatang Pauh was known to have been “Anwar's and PKR’s base”. “They should not feel too sad or upset. His win also didn’t take away any seat from the existing number of Barisan MPs. Dato Seri Abdullah comments: No comments. (As usual) Question of the day:
Will Anwar able to form new Government before or on September 16???
Last comment:
To whom who may concern,
Whatever changes take may take place in the next few days, months or years, please do consider the effects to the people. We may accept any transitions but it must be made with peace and no violence. We hope that whoever heading the Government will always take good care of the people and put aside their personal interests. We are the one who make the changes today and we may undo it in future.
Thank you.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The nomination form for DSAI

Argg... Too stress studying.. take a 10 minutes break to blog this. Newly discovered today. It is raining now. Wonder why the previous few weeks, the wheather is so hot and dry. And now, evryday raining since last Thursday.. but it is a good one just dun make it in the morning.. need to walk to school.

First time I see the nomination paper.

Who say Malays and Chinese cant work together? The only diff may be perceptions in the view of religion, the rests are the same. If we put aside the diff, we may work together for same common goals.
It is predicted tomolo to have rain. It wont really affect the no. of voters as tomolo or shall i say now.. is the public holiday for Penang. Again, who will win the battle???

Btw, 2day went to fuk sing. Even a foreigner also said 15 cents reduction is too low. She knew who is Anwar Ibrahim and asked me when he gonna take over the government. Also, she asked me how much Anwar will reduce the oil price? Wat a shock~! The impact of petrol price increment is to all regardless you are Malaysians or not especially in this case, the food industry. Fewer come to her stalls or the restaurant as many tend to find alternative like cooking maggie mee or eating biscuits or breads. Pictures courtesy of Kickdefella. (with permission)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Datuk Lee Chong Wei to be...

Datuk Lee Chong Wei on Aug 30 2008.
GEORGE TOWN: Penang will award a Datukship to badminton singles player Lee Chong Wei, 26, who won the silver medal at the Beijing Olympics. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said Yang di-Pertua Negri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas would confer the Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri (DSPN), which carries the title Datuk, on Lee on Aug 30. "The state will award the DSPN to Penang's first Olympic silver medallist, Bukit Mertajam home-grown talent Lee Chong Wei," Lim told a press conference Wednesday.
For full article, please click here.
Chong Wei, 26 will join squash queen Datuk Nicol David as one of the youngest sports recipients of the award. He alrdy get his RM 300K rewards and will be getting RM 3k montly pension starting next month. WOW..he gonna be rich man! And the first ever sportman of Malaysia that can actually make living with sports particularly badminton. Some see this as a political gimmick. While BN are to give such money rewards to him, the Penang Government are giving the title of Datukship to him. Hmm.. He is such a lucky person to beg the best from to the intense competition btw both parties.
Questions arised. Is he good enough to be conferred the Datukship?? If he win the Final and bring back the Gold medal, I think nobody will question it. Problem is yes he is able to march into Final, but for those who see the live telecast, he is in no match to compared to Lin Dan. The score points in both game are less than 21. Chong Wei was beaten 12-21, 21-8 by world number one Lin Dan of China. The game is totally dominated by Lin Dan and Chong Wei couldnt catch to his pace. We should be proud that he is the first Malaysian to eneter into men's singles final but I do not agree to the extend of rewards given to him. It's just too much. Congaryulation to Lee and Misbun Sidek too. We have proved that we need not Li Mao or any other foreign coaches, a LOCAL will do. Sports are everything putting aside the difference in races. This is the best example which Malaysians (regardless of races) can work together to archieve the same goals. In that case, how bout Rexy? He is good coach but something goes wrong with our admired young player of KKK and TBH.
Lets look to the past history. Rashid Sidek won the bronze medal in the men's singles while his brothers Jalani-Razif won the country's first Olympic medal after clinching the bronze in the men's doubles at the 1992 Barcelona Games. Then, the nation's first Olympic silver medallists in badminton was delivered by doubles pair Yap Kim Hock-Cheah Soon Kit at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
Singles coach Misbun Sidek is the former national player who has sacrificed for the nation and is instrumental in charting Malaysia's quest for an Olympic medal for the past 12 years. This can be seen in Rashid's bronze medal and Hafiz Hashim winning the 2002 Manchester Commonwealth Games followed by the All-England title in 2003 to Chong Wei's Olympic silver medal. Hafiz has ended the country's 37-year old wait for the All-England singles crown which was last won by Tan Aik Huang in 1966. However, nobody will question on Hafiz as we all know his performance. I hope he will be dropped from Malaysia team as soon as possible together with supposed to be retired Wong Chong Hann. Their presence in badminton has expired and left with no glory.
Misbun left his ailing wife Latifah Mohd who is suffering from a double kidney failure and needs regular dialysis treatment to accompany Chong Wei to Beijing. This is not the first time Misbun has placed the nation ahead of his family. In 1996 he lost his eldest daughter, seven-year-old Lia Nurmila, when she was knocked down by a school bus in Wangsa Maju, a month prior to the Atlanta Games.
Source: Malay Mail
In comparison to Nicol David, none will question her as she remained the World No.1 in squash for 1 year ++ till now and has a long unbeaten records. Let's compare with Lee Chong Wei who once in the World No. 1 for max 3 months be4 dropping down then goes up and down again. Why no awards be given to Malaysia first medal in Olympics? Why no awards has be given to Malaysia first silver medalists although it is a double event? Why no awards be given to Misbun Sidek as the silver medalist coach and other achievements? And why Datukship +RM 300K+ 3K pension is given only to the first silver medalist in men singles of badminton?
The question is all about timing. The timing for his achievement is just precise suit to the new government in Penang and Permatang Pauh by-election. However, this is just my opinion. I left you to think and to decide should I made any mistakes.
The country proud: First Men Single Silver Medalist --> DATUK LEE CHONG WEI

Friday, August 22, 2008

Flip flop PM in action

Thursday August 21, 2008
No new fuel price announcements for now, says Abdullah
KUALA LUMPUR: The Government is not planning to announce the new fuel prices before polling day for the Permatang Pauh by-election. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the Government would stick to its decision to announce the new prices on Aug 31, to be enforced on Sept 1. He was asked if the Government would announce the new prices before polling day as pre-empted by certain quarters. Abdullah said the pump prices would hopefully be reduced, due to the falling global crude oil price.
On what would happen if the world crude oil price increased, he said the pump prices would not go up from the current RM2.70 per liter for petrol and RM2.58 per liter for diesel. He said it was too early for him to estimate how much the prices would be reduced. “Hopefully, the current trend will not change and crude oil price will not go up. “If I give any figure now and the price goes up, what I say now will no longer hold and people will say I am lying,” he said after chairing the National Water Resource Council meeting in Parliament yesterday. For full article, please click here.
Friday August 22, 2008.
PM announces reduced fuel prices
PUTRAJAYA: Petrol and diesel price will drop by between eight sen and 22 sen a litre from Saturday (<-- Dear PM, Sept 1 sill far away). The price of RON97 petrol will be reduced by 15 sen to RM2.55 a litre from RM2.70, while RON92 would be 22 sen less at RM2.40, from RM2.62. The retail price of diesel would drop by eight sen to RM2.50 a litre. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah ahmad Badawi announced the new prices in a statement after Friday's Cabinet meeting. He said the prices were determined by taking into account the actual price from Aug 1 to 21 and the 30 sen per litre subsidy borne by the government while the subsidy for diesel, based on the new price, was 50 sen a litre.
"The cabinet decided to bring forward the enforcement date for adjustment of the new petrol price," he said.
My comments:
First of all, our dear PM again made changes to his statement. Earlier, he alrdy stressed that the enforcement for new price will start on Sept 1. Thus, for right now, the Government will not make any changes to the oil price. As usual, he will never stick to one decision and decision made can be changed even only after 24 hours. The best example is the cancellation of the construction of curved bridge linking Malaysia and her dear neighbour Singapore who both are currently in the fight for SOVEREIGNITY and RIGHTS OF LAND. Singaporeans will be celebrating their Independence Day with most joyous celebration ever after able to take over the soveriegnity of Pulau Batu Putih from the dear Malaysia Government claimed to have every rights but lack of evidences. Come on.. if u lost the fight in the International Court (ICJ), just say you LOST. Dont tell to the citizens that we actually should have being obtained the rights on the small little island should we found ONE more piece of agreement paper which couldnt be found yet. How would an educated peson believe to all those statements?
Back to the oil price, I might not have the datas with me now but I believe we can reduce the prices beyond what had been offered now. Singapore has reduced their oil price if not mistaken 2 months ago while Malaysia has a so called systemic way. You review the price in July but you make enforcement in September. It puzzled me why we can't make immediate effects. We should ask the Government instead.
Well, every 1 is overjoyed by any oil price reduction. But, bear in mind, our caring Government in their previous act had caused the increase of price in other sectors namely the FOOD. So, even though oil price reduction is a relief, we still have to bear with hike of prices in other necessarities.
On the other hand, one can see that the oil price reduction it is very obvious is a political motive move. Malaysia is going to have the Permatang Pauh by-election by next Tuesday, 26th July 2008. It's no joke that Malaysia had created another history by making a special by-election on weekdays. What can we say? If that is the case, I hope there will be more by-election so that the oil price can be decreased to the minimum. Btw, DSAI has offered an oil price reduction of 50 cents should the PR take over the Government. Big difference btw the little 15 cents reduction which is going to be implented soon.
On the Permatang Pauh by-election, I actually salute to the well versed BN candidate Arif Shah Omar Shah. He can speak multilanguage includes Mandarin and Hokkien. I am so impressed when I listen to his speech. Very fluent Hakka speaking person, shame on me..haha. However, the top issue still the same. He may be good but the people/the rakyat are now voting not based on the candidates but it is based on the party. Every 1 know the image of his party, more over it is in Penang.
On DSAI, i have the feeling that the majority votes may reduce significantly should he win. He is not only fighting against Arif Shah but he is fighting against the well financially supplied and strong BN macheneries. From Chong Wei using the the air force plane to go Permatang Pauh and giving of the rm 300K cheque at Permatang Pauh and not KL, reduce of the oil price, the visitation and speeches by 4 BN component leaders from Sabah who are 'specially' sent in, Najib assurance to protect the Chinese schools and the vast publicity on the attacking of the photographers.
Argg.. the drama btw both sides has just started. What would be the outcomes. As Malaysians, I hope it will not create a big chaos.. RMB we always write in our school time BM essay. Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang aman, bahagia dan selamat. Rakyat hidup bersatu padu dan saling menghormati antara satu sama lain.
Who will win the battle?

UCSIPSS Kanching Waterfall 'Family Trip' 17th August 2008

16 August 2008.
Went to Suk Yen house at about 11 am. Then, we started doing the preparation and discussion on the activities the next day.
L- Hope Poh Xuan wont kill me by psoting this pic.. She was shocked when i took her pic w/o her notice.
R- Suk Yen pouring the konniyaku powder powder into the boiling pot.
L- Ask her for this well prepared pic. But sorry, I cant find any interesting thing surrounding us. So, i chose the wok~~haha R- Suk yen squeezed the orange into juice to make flavouring for the jelly.
To stop me for taking pics, Suk Yen asked me to pour the orange juice into the mould.
L- Both of them are working happily in the kitchen. It is the first time for both of them.
R- The finished product ready to be refrigerated.
After finished doing the jelly, we started the discussion for the later activities. The time was 1200 am sharp. While discussing, I was watching the Olympics and discovered that there were good looking athletes in trampoline. We discussed till 3 am. Poh Xuan bro then fetched her back.
We continued doing the preparation of games till about 4 am.
17 August 2008.
Woke up at 6am planning to blog but at that time i thought nobody else were awake. So, I continued to sleep till 640 am. Meanwhile, Suk yen and her neighbour were alrdy in the kitchen preparing the fried meehun. I was incolved in the packaging department and also quality control (to taste the hotdog and the fish/chicken ball). The hotdogs were yummy~
Reached school about 745 am. Almost are were there except predicted Poh Xuan. Has tried to cell her continously but forgot what had happened to her.
L- Mr Allan and her cute little girl..Some called her small little Snow White R- Picturing in the bus
L- Dats the OC for this event. R- The participants were divided into 4 groups in which one leader was selected from each group. The first break was the time to go to washroom led by Mr Allan. haha..jk only.
Then, we had a group photo at the main entrance.
click for larger view
And the trekking began.
L- Mr Allan and her daughter R-Mr Jony
The first stop at one of the waterfall for picture session. It was the first time i did not take any pictures as I was entrusted with a super multipurpose job. On the paper, I was Trekking, Medical Aid and Security Oficer. Lets see wats my duties on later part. Besides, we have a newcomerS in UCSIPSS.. anyway it somehow changed to Family Day. Nt bad...
L- Kean Tatt and ??
R-This underwear was found and picked up by Kah Keet (nt by hand)
Second stop for photo session
L-Wow..Jason looked cool dis pic..Wats he was pointing at?
The Year 3 seniorS.. yea time has passed so fast that we were in the stage of aging.
L- The caring dad taking his precious daughter pic R- And here we reached the waterfall. Not the biggest one but due to security reason, the comittee had choosen this site. If you see throughly, I did not include any of the scenery pictures here including the waterfall. If I were to insert those pictures, then it would be 180++ pictures. As I had posted the pictures of this Waterfall in my previous post, u may have a look at the post.

L- Who was dat photographer? So stylish..
R- The Year 1 girls who did not enter into the water. Besides, we have Mr Kuan Poh and Jivanraj who did the same thing.
L- It was great to know Dr Nala was being united wit his family despite of intial immigration problem. The cute baby gal has grown up~
R- Yellowish matched couples enjoying the waterfall
L- I like this picture with those effects R- It was the time for the game to get started.
Two ppls from each group have to make a water ballon form the plastic bag given. Then , they have to throw to their teammates facing in oppsite direction. The last person have to carry the water ballons and placed it to a located site few distance away.

The second games.. Each group was given sufficent bottle caps. They have to transfer a bottle cap ull water from one person to another while the last person will transfer it to the 1.5 ml bottle.
L- Mahmood in action...How come he was there? R- Since the Y1 gals have nothing to do, so i asked them to become the supermodel not promoting any F1 cars but to hold the 1.5 ml bottle
The competition get intense with some one were trying to play cheat..
After the game ended, we went for lunch break which was about 11 am. We have fried meehun with hotdogs and fish/meat balls, ribena and jelly.
L- Did you see Dr Loga who was enjoying splashing the water..Hmm the soft side of him
R- Dr Nala.. Wonder why the phtographer didnt take his pic wit his dear wife..
L- Guess wat Mr Jony was doing. He was splashing water to Dr. Loga i supposed.

Then, come to this unexpected act. I think Jerry started it. All of us (those in pics) joined together to have natural water massage by the waterfall. While, the group of non water resistant stood on the dry ground and looked at us. We then began shouting to each other seeing which group cna make the loudest voice.
After enough of shouting, we packed and headed down the waterfall to another site for >> scroll down
But be4 that, lets take the last photo..R- please enlarge to see.. most of them were jumping
R- We reached to another waterfall. It was actually the punishment time for the loser group. Lets have a look of the loser group.

The type of punishment was decided by the rests. So, the most simple one was singing. So, the loser group sang twinkle twinkle Little Star. After that, we splashed water to them. We disallowed them to do anything and have their hands raised up, but who know they were so clever to use their legs to kick the water to us back. Aiks.. I kena punished back.
Happily after playing with water..
R- The last activity of the day.. which i wasn't sure it can be a success... the Human Tower.
So, we began our strategy on who to build the base, the middle and who will be the top. And of course, the lightest has the advantage to climb up ..
The unbelievable Human Tower had been made to success!! Bravo every1..what a relief for me..
Yup.. That was the last event of the One Day Trip Trekking.....
So, it was the time to get changed.. it was a long one as you need to wait the queue as well as paying 50 cents per entrance
L- Argg.. i was cuaght in wet R- Earlier, there wasn't any monkeys at the trekking area which I would say a waste for them. Then, out of sudden, they spotted the monkeys coming out from no where. So , I brought them to take photos with the monkeys.
These gals were so lucky as by dat time, my job has over and well, let me handle the camera~~
The monkeys were eating banana..See carefully for the baby monkey..
Till know, I dun really know the Y1 ju-juniors name. So, should you see this, plz dont be hesistate to intro yoursle to any of the seniors. We will be counting on u guys to be active in the UCSIPSS.
Great trip.. Hope ervy1 enjoyed it and rmb it..
Forgot to mention, the champion was either Group 1 (led by Alvin) or group 2 (led by Jee Yang). The deciding game was carried by playing 1,2 jus (best of threes). So, you can see these two seniors battling for the prizes. It was won by the JY. Each of the group member was then given an ice cream with 3 scoops of dif flavors. So luxurious~! Hey, I myself a committee member need to use my own pocket money to buy the ice cream. So, what can you expect? Limited budget will have smaller prizes. XD.
So, you may see the unexpected role of mine. tiring... Btw, I was able to conduct the rule as first aid officer as one the participants had a leech bite and bleeding. When reached home, we have only limited time to do our own stuff be4 goin to dinner to watch the so called Grand Olympic Badminton Finals.